keiffster / program-y

Python 3.x based AIML 2.0 Chatbot interpreter, framework, related programs and knowledge files
348 stars 138 forks source link

Bug: <set> tag in <pattern> is deleting the multi-word input #274

Open afaji opened 3 years ago

afaji commented 3 years ago

Expected Behavior

Given the following AIML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="2.0">

        <pattern> <set>place</set> SUCKS </pattern>
        <template> That is unfortunate </template>

        <pattern> * </pattern>
        <template> <star/> </template>


and place.txt as below, where entries with multiple words exist:

Rio de Janeiro
New York

By entering the query below:

Rio de Janeiro rocks

It should output

Rio de Janeiro rocks

Current Behavior

By entering the query below:

Rio de Janeiro rocks

The program outputs:

Janeiro rocks.

note that the 'Rio de' is deleted for some reason. (Also reproducible with 'New York')

When the input does not match the first pattern, the system works perfectly, for example:

I like Rio de Janeiro

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use the above .aiml and .txt
  2. Run with the following python code:
    from programy.clients.embed.basic import EmbeddedDataFileBot
    import sys

files = {'aiml': ['./'], 'sets': ['./'], }

my_bot = EmbeddedDataFileBot(files)

for line in sys.stdin: print(my_bot.ask_question(line))

## Context (Environment)

* Version of Program-y: 4.1
* Version of Python: 3.6.1
* Operating System ( inc Version ): Mac 10.11.6
EdvinJakobsson commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem, it seems to be a bug.

I have narrowed it down to these two patterns:

        <pattern>* THIS</pattern>
            found THIS! star 1: <star index="1"/>

        <pattern><set name="question_starter"/></pattern>
            doesnt matter

The set question_starter contains the phrase 'show me', and when entering the query 'show me this', the reply is: 'Found THIS! star 1: me.'

where the 'show' has been removed. The log looks like this:

2020-10-18 16:06:27,559  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Question (flask): show me this
2020-10-18 16:06:27,559  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Pre Processed (3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f): show me this
2020-10-18 16:06:27,559  root       INFO    [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Creating new conversation for client 3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f
2020-10-18 16:06:27,559  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Event triggered [CONVERSATION_START]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,559  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Retrieving conversation for client 3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f
2020-10-18 16:06:27,559  root       INFO    [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic pattern = [*]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       INFO    [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No That pattern default to [*]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - AIML Parser matching sentence [show me this], topic=[*], that=[*]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matching [show me this __TOPIC__ * __THAT__ *]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Wildcard _ matched show
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     Topic NOT matched me
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   No children, consume words until next break point
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -       Topic NOT matched me
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     No match for me, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Wildcard _ matched me
2020-10-18 16:06:27,560  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -       Topic NOT matched this
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     No match for this, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Wildcard _ matched this
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -       Topic matched __TOPIC__
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -           Wildcard * matched *
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -             That matched __THAT__
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -               No match for *, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -           No children, consume words until next break point
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -               That matched __THAT__
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -                 No match for *, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -              Looking for a __THAT__, none give, no match found!
2020-10-18 16:06:27,561  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -           Found a that at the wrong place....
2020-10-18 16:06:27,562  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -         No match for *, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,562  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -      Looking for a __TOPIC__, none give, no match found!
2020-10-18 16:06:27,562  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Found a topic at the wrong place....
2020-10-18 16:06:27,562  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Found word [show] in set [QUESTION_STARTER]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,562  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Word matched show me
2020-10-18 16:06:27,562  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     Topic NOT matched this
2020-10-18 16:06:27,562  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   No match for this, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,562  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Wildcard ^ matched me
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     No match for this, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Wildcard ^ matched this
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     No match for __TOPIC__, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   No children, consume words until next break point
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     No match for __TOPIC__, trying another path
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Found a topic at the wrong place....
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Wildcard * matched me
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     Topic NOT matched this
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -   Wildcard child matched this
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -       Topic matched __TOPIC__
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -           Wildcard * matched *
2020-10-18 16:06:27,563  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -             That matched __THAT__
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -                 Wildcard * matched *
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -                 No more words
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -                   Found a template, success!
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -               Matched 1 or more star, success!
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -           Matched that, success!
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -         Matched 1 or more star, success!
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -     Matched topic, success!
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matched 1 or more star, success!
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -      Matches...
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -              1: Match=(Word) Node=(ONEORMORE [*]) Matched=(me)
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -              2: Match=(Word) Node=(WORD [THIS]) Matched=(this)
2020-10-18 16:06:27,564  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -              3: Match=(Topic) Node=(ONEORMORE [*]) Matched=(*)
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -              4: Match=(That) Node=(ONEORMORE [*]) Matched=(*)
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] -      Match score 50.00
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - AIML Parser evaluating template [PTEMPLATE [*] [P(0)^(0)#(0)C(0)_(0)*(0)To(0)Th(0)Te(1)]]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]found] resolved to [found]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]THIS!] resolved to [THIS!]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]star] resolved to [star]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]1:] resolved to [1:]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Retrieving conversation for client 3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]1] resolved to [1]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Star Node [[STAR[WORD]1]] resolved to [me]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,565  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[STAR[WORD]1]] resolved to [me]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,566  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[NODE]] resolved to [found THIS! star 1: me]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,566  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Raw Response (3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f): found THIS! star 1: me
2020-10-18 16:06:27,566  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Processed Response (3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f): found THIS! star 1: me
2020-10-18 16:06:27,566  root       DEBUG   Directory does not exist, creating ../../storage/conversations
2020-10-18 16:06:27,566  root       DEBUG   Writing conversation to [../../storage/conversations/flask_3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f.conv]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,566  root       DEBUG   [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Event triggered [QUESTION_ASKED]
2020-10-18 16:06:27,567  root       DEBUG   [flask] - {'response': {'query': 'show me this', 'userId': '3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f', 'timestamp': 1603037187.567025, 'text': 'Found THIS! star 1: me.'}, 'status': {'code': 200, 'message': 'success'}, 'meta': {'botName': 'Program-y', 'version': '1.0.0', 'copyright': 'Copyright 2016-2019', 'authors': ['Keith Sterling']}}
keiffster commented 3 years ago

Yeah looks like a bug in the multi word pattern parser. I’ll take a look this week and get a fix pushed when I get time


Sent from my iPhone

On 18 Oct 2020, at 17:12, EdvinJakobsson wrote:

 I have the same problem, it seems to be a bug.

I have narrowed it down to these two patterns:

    <pattern>* THIS</pattern>
        found THIS! star 1: <star index="1"/>

    <pattern><set name="question_starter"/></pattern>
        doesnt matter

The set question_starter contains the phrase 'show me', and when entering the query 'show me this', the reply is: 'Found THIS! star 1: me.'

where the 'show' has been removed. The log looks like this:

2020-10-18 16:06:27,559 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Question (flask): show me this 2020-10-18 16:06:27,559 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Pre Processed (3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f): show me this 2020-10-18 16:06:27,559 root INFO [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Creating new conversation for client 3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f 2020-10-18 16:06:27,559 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Event triggered [CONVERSATIONSTART] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,559 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Retrieving conversation for client 3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f 2020-10-18 16:06:27,559 root INFO [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic pattern = [] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root INFO [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No That pattern default to [] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - AIML Parser matching sentence [show me this], topic=[], that=[] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matching [show me this TOPIC THAT ] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard matched show 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic NOT matched me 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No children, consume words until next break point 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic NOT matched me 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for me, trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard matched me 2020-10-18 16:06:27,560 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic NOT matched this 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for this, trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard matched this 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic matched TOPIC 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard matched 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - That matched THAT 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for , trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No children, consume words until next break point 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - That matched THAT 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for , trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Looking for a THAT, none give, no match found! 2020-10-18 16:06:27,561 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Found a that at the wrong place.... 2020-10-18 16:06:27,562 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for , trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,562 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Looking for a TOPIC, none give, no match found! 2020-10-18 16:06:27,562 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Found a topic at the wrong place.... 2020-10-18 16:06:27,562 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Found word [show] in set [QUESTION_STARTER] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,562 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Word matched show me 2020-10-18 16:06:27,562 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic NOT matched this 2020-10-18 16:06:27,562 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for this, trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,562 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard ^ matched me 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for this, trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard ^ matched this 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for TOPIC, trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No children, consume words until next break point 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No match for TOPIC, trying another path 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Found a topic at the wrong place.... 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard matched me 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic NOT matched this 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard child matched this 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Topic matched TOPIC 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard matched 2020-10-18 16:06:27,563 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - That matched THAT 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Wildcard matched 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - No more words 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Found a template, success! 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matched 1 or more star, success! 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matched that, success! 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matched 1 or more star, success! 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matched topic, success! 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matched 1 or more star, success! 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Matches... 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - 1: Match=(Word) Node=(ONEORMORE []) Matched=(me) 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - 2: Match=(Word) Node=(WORD [THIS]) Matched=(this) 2020-10-18 16:06:27,564 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - 3: Match=(Topic) Node=(ONEORMORE []) Matched=() 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - 4: Match=(That) Node=(ONEORMORE []) Matched=() 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Match score 50.00 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - AIML Parser evaluating template [PTEMPLATE [] [P(0)^(0)#(0)C(0)_(0)*(0)To(0)Th(0)Te(1)]] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]found] resolved to [found] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]THIS!] resolved to [THIS!] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]star] resolved to [star] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]1:] resolved to [1:] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Retrieving conversation for client 3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[WORD]1] resolved to [1] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Star Node [[STAR[WORD]1]] resolved to [me] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,565 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[STAR[WORD]1]] resolved to [me] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,566 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - [[NODE]] resolved to [found THIS! star 1: me] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,566 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Raw Response (3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f): found THIS! star 1: me 2020-10-18 16:06:27,566 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Processed Response (3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f): found THIS! star 1: me 2020-10-18 16:06:27,566 root DEBUG Directory does not exist, creating ../../storage/conversations 2020-10-18 16:06:27,566 root DEBUG Writing conversation to [../../storage/conversations/flask_3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f.conv] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,566 root DEBUG [flask] [bot] [brain] [3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f] - Event triggered [QUESTION_ASKED] 2020-10-18 16:06:27,567 root DEBUG [flask] - {'response': {'query': 'show me this', 'userId': '3a91c0c2-8a0a-41dd-972b-06f30b03cf9f', 'timestamp': 1603037187.567025, 'text': 'Found THIS! star 1: me.'}, 'status': {'code': 200, 'message': 'success'}, 'meta': {'botName': 'Program-y', 'version': '1.0.0', 'copyright': 'Copyright 2016-2019', 'authors': ['Keith Sterling']}}

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