keijack / python-eureka-client

A eureka client written in python. Support registering your python component to Eureka Server, as well as calling remote services by pulling the the Eureka registry.
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Sanic + Uvicorn app is not registering to Eureka #28

Closed TheGlobalist closed 4 years ago

TheGlobalist commented 4 years ago

Hi, this is a similar issue to #27 but, since it was closed, I preferred to open a new one. I am trying to deploy a Python Microservice built on Sanic (and served on Uvicorn) that can attach itself to Eureka. Both Eureka and the microservices are inside a docker container (each for one of them). Currently, I'm using this

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import py_eureka_client.eureka_client as eureka_client

    # The flowing code will register your server to eureka server and also start to send heartbeat every 30 seconds
    eureka_client.init(eureka_server="http://<server ip>:8761/eureka/",

With Uvicorn, I'm not able to see any logs. So, if I try to remove it, and deploy only via Sanic, I'm getting the same error of #27 . If I try to http://:8761/ on my browser, I can reach Eureka. If I try to curl -f http://<server ip>:8761/, I get the HTML of Eureka's page. If I try to do either of these options followed by /eureka, I get a 404 in both cases. I've also tried to deploy a Docker image of Eureka made by Mr. @dinuta but that didn't seem to work.

If I also try to write the previous lines of code on a Python shell, Eureka correctly receives everything and registers the "fake" service.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

dinuta commented 4 years ago

if it is dockerized:

if you are using docker compose:

if you are using only host apps:

if you are using a hybrid solution host/docker:

dinuta commented 4 years ago

Example docker-compose: Another example with a microservice which discovers all eureka apps:

Example in docker with ports fwded on host: estuary-stack

TheGlobalist commented 4 years ago

if it is dockerized:

  • make sure you point to eureka host ip:port like I do.
  • dont forget to open the port from eureka on the host if dockerized.
  • your app/microservice must listen on to attach to all interfaces.

if you are using docker compose:

  • this is easier since every service has its DNS entry in docker world.

if you are using only host apps:

  • debug them with curl/telnet /etc

if you are using a hybrid solution host/docker:

  • make sure you always work on host net (this means your docker containers must bind on all interfaces and all the ports are fwded to the host )

Yes, it is dockerized and also exploits docker-compose.

This is Eureka's Dockerfile:

FROM openjdk:14
COPY ./ServiceDiscovery/eureka-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .
CMD ["java", "-jar", "eureka-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]

while this is the fragment of the docker-compose.yml that is related to Eureka:

    container_name: eureka-service
    hostname: eurekaservice
      context: .
      dockerfile: ./ServiceDiscovery/Dockerfile
    image: eureka-service:latest
      - 8761
      - 8761:8761

Also: the microservices are instantiated to host already

dinuta commented 4 years ago

Man, I don;t understand from where your service connects, to where eureka is. In general keep it simple, either on host, either in docker world.

My eureka is proven to work, with tests:

And one more thing: your Dockerfile is strange. Who is eureka-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file? 👎

I might guess that eureka server does not bind to ...

dinuta commented 4 years ago

Any luck, @TheGlobalist ?

dinuta commented 4 years ago

@keijack please close the issue since no response was sent back

keijack commented 4 years ago

response was sent back