keijiro / Dkvfx

An example that shows how to use recorded Depthkit footage with Unity VFX Graph
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Removal of HAP support for Mobile Support (ie Quest) #9

Open obviousjim opened 4 years ago

obviousjim commented 4 years ago

It'd be great if this repo had an example had a way to be free from HAP support to be driven by Unity Video Player or AVPro.

This would unlock mobile XR device support like Quest, Magic Leap, and various mobile XR platforms.

keijiro commented 4 years ago

I only use this project for offline (non-realtime) rendering. I chose HAP just for improving timeline editing UX (frame-accurate editing). So, using it on XR devices is a novel idea to me.

Just a few questions:

obviousjim commented 4 years ago

Hey @keijiro - understood! We are working on an official Depthkit support for VFX Graph at Scatter, and in the meantime we are grateful that you built this one as lots of folks are using it. We have requests to get this on Quest so I opened it up as an issue.

hotknife commented 4 years ago

It would be great to see this using native .mp4 that comes from Depthkit - & the VideoPlayer in Unity, as this allows the video to be downloaded from a URL. I'm playing at doing this at the moment but don't understand how the x,y,z of the depth part of the mp4 works.

cpkcpkcpk commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to use the native Depthkit .mp4 with Dkvfx instead of converting to HAP .mov? I'm using lots of footage in my project, and using the .mp4 files would be great as they are around 10x smaller.

keijiro commented 3 years ago

@charliekemp I think you can use the official SDK for that purpose.

cpkcpkcpk commented 3 years ago

@keijiro The old one doesn't work with VFX graph unfortunately.

keijiro commented 3 years ago

@charliekemp Then, you can use the new one, can't you? Sorry but I have never tried it, so I'm just wondering...

cpkcpkcpk commented 3 years ago

@keijiro Their new core expansion package for Unity looks great, but it costs an additional $450 on top of the Depthkit subscription, and your package works great for my needs (except for native mp4 playback!)

keijiro commented 3 years ago

@charliekemp Thanks for the information. I didn't know that.

It might disappoint you, but I don't want to have potential interference with their business.

My goal in this project is to provide the functionality of timeline scrubbing with DepthKit + VFX Graph. It's not possible with inter-frame video codecs like H.264 MP4. That's why I wasn't motivated to support .mp4.

cpkcpkcpk commented 3 years ago

@keijiro No worries, I totally understand.