keijiro / KlakHap

HAP video player plugin for Unity
341 stars 27 forks source link

Doesn't work in HDRP builds? #41

Closed laurienash-fiftynine closed 3 years ago

laurienash-fiftynine commented 3 years ago

If I make a fresh HDRP project (on 2020.6), and add a klaphap video screen - it works correctly in editor, but when playing the build it shows as a white texture. (as if the video is not found).

If I follow the same steps with a Unity 3D pipeline, it works in the build correctly.

laurienash-fiftynine commented 3 years ago

Editor view:



keijiro commented 3 years ago

The sample project is only compatible with the legacy render pipeline, but the KlakHAP package itself is compatible with HDRP. I used it in several HDRP projects, like this and this.

keijiro commented 3 years ago

I close this issue as resolved. Please feel free to reopen it for further problems.

sergiobd commented 1 year ago

I'm facing the same issue. Plugin works fine in Editor, but not in Builds. I get the following errors in the log:

Fallback handler could not load library E:/Documents/EL_BEAT_BUILDS/EL BEAT_2019.3_Data/Mono/KlakHap
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Documents/EL_BEAT_BUILDS/EL BEAT_2019.3_Data/Mono/KlakHap.dll
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Documents/EL_BEAT_BUILDS/EL BEAT_2019.3_Data/Mono/KlakHap
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Documents/EL_BEAT_BUILDS/EL BEAT_2019.3_Data/Mono/libKlakHap
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Documents/EL_BEAT_BUILDS/EL BEAT_2019.3_Data/Mono/libKlakHap.dll
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Documents/EL_BEAT_BUILDS/EL BEAT_2019.3_Data/Mono/libKlakHap`
DllNotFoundException: KlakHap
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Klak.Hap.Demuxer.KlakHap_OpenDemuxer(string)
  at Klak.Hap.Demuxer..ctor (System.String filePath) [0x00006] in <6d60e646883b4812b19f79ec2fedd3b3>:0 
  at Klak.Hap.HapPlayer.OpenInternal () [0x00007] in <6d60e646883b4812b19f79ec2fedd3b3>:0 
  at Klak.Hap.HapPlayer.LateUpdate () [0x00015] in <6d60e646883b4812b19f79ec2fedd3b3>:0 

I am building with Unity 2019.4LTS, for X86 platform. There is a Klak.Hap.dll file in E:\Documents\EL_BEAT_BUILDS\EL BEAT_2019.3_Data\Managed

keijiro commented 1 year ago

@sergiobd As noted on README, KlakHAP only supports the 64-bit platforms. It doesn't run on x86-32.