keijiro / KlakHap

HAP video player plugin for Unity
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error regarding StreamReader.cs #7

Closed spaul13 closed 5 years ago

spaul13 commented 5 years ago

While importing the project on windows with the unity version --> 2018.1.0b4 I am getting the following error, Assets/Klak/Hap/Runtime/Internal/StreamReader.cs(26,24): error CS1644: Feature `tuples' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# 6.0 language specification

can u please tell me how to resolve this issue?

keijiro commented 5 years ago

KlakHAP requires C# 6.0 a.k.a. ".NET 4.x Equivalent".

Please try changing the scripting runtime version.

By the way, as I noted on README, KlakHAP only supports Unity 2018.3 or later. I'd recommend upgrading Unity version.

keijiro commented 5 years ago

I'm closing this issue. Please feel free to reopen for further questions.