keijiro / KlakSpout

Spout plugin for Unity
The Unlicense
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Multiple-Cameras ? #67

Closed albrrt closed 3 years ago

albrrt commented 3 years ago


We have a project where we use 3 cameras to render our scene - because of conflicts with transparent shaders, depth buffer and the depth-of-field effect of the post-processing stack.

If I add a Spout Sender component to each of these 3 cameras, will KlakSpout automatically merge the output of these cameras into a single sprout stream?

Apologies for the question - we are unable to test this at the moment but we are interested in using this plugin for large-scale projection mapping environments. #

Thank you for your help

keijiro commented 3 years ago

If I add a Spout Sender component to each of these 3 cameras, will KlakSpout automatically merge the output of these cameras into a single sprout stream?


keijiro commented 3 years ago

You have to composite them before giving them to SpoutSender.

keijiro commented 3 years ago

I'm closing this issue now. Please feel free to reopen it for further problems.