keijiro / KlakSpout

Spout plugin for Unity
The Unlicense
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The camera capture method with HDRP doesn't work on release builds #75

Closed maoge124 closed 2 years ago

maoge124 commented 2 years ago

No showing when I run the exe, Unity use HDRP, SpoutSender.Capture method = Camera. Unity Editor is OK, no showing with exe.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

Could you share a minimal project that reproduces the issue?

maoge124 commented 2 years ago

Could you share a minimal project that reproduces the issue?

I have sent it to your Thanks

maoge124 commented 2 years ago

Could you share a minimal project that reproduces the issue? I successfully showing the exe frame by spout when I use the Unity DevelopmentBuid.But the exe that build by Release is no showing.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

I confirmed that the issue is caused by HDRP (it works correctly on URP). I reported the issue to the QA team. Please wait for their action. Until then, please understand that this is a known issue. You should use the render texture mode instead as a workaround.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

I verified that this issue has been fixed on 2022.1 beta. Also the same fix is coming to 2021.2.9.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this issue now. Please reopen it if it still reproduces.