keijiro / KlakSpout

Spout plugin for Unity
The Unlicense
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Spout sender and Fulldome view #88

Closed PockPocket closed 2 years ago

PockPocket commented 2 years ago


I'm having difficulty sending a RenderTexture of my fulldome game view to Touch.Designer via Spout. It seems that I can only send the default camera view without the fulldome effect.


I feel that there's something I should do with the Cubemap Fbo slot attached to the fulldome camera component (see picture) but I don't know what exactly.

Presenting in a Dome on May 16th, this real-time workflow would truly be a game changer.

Any input on how to get this working would be really appreciated.

Cheers, Mathieu.

PockPocket commented 2 years ago

Small update on this issue, my cube map is now receiving the information from the fulldome script and a 4k x 4k white texture is being live streamed via spout to Touch designer.


RenderTexture settings: image

My camera and the fulldome script are two separated obejcts: image

Any ideas on why the image in Touch Designer appears all white ?


keijiro commented 2 years ago

Spout doesn't support cubemap textures.

PockPocket commented 2 years ago

Oh ok that explains it. Thanks for the input. Would you know of a work around for this ? Changing the aspect ratio in Unity to force a dimension through Touch Designer didn't work so I was hoping it could work via RenderTexture.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

I think flattening with equirectangular projection is the most common approach.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this issue now. Please reopen it if the original problem still reproduces.

PockPocket commented 2 years ago

I'd like to project some visuals in a dome so I was more thinking about something that would allow Unity to send that fishey fulldome effect via spout. Thanks for the help.