keijiro / KlakSpout

Spout plugin for Unity
The Unlicense
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Crash when adding SpoutSender component using HDRP #91

Open SnoutFace opened 1 year ago

SnoutFace commented 1 year ago


Unity is crashing when adding the SpoutSender component while using HDRP on DX12, tested both on versions 2021.3.38f1 and 2022.1.13f1, adding the SpoutReciever component works fine

keijiro commented 1 year ago

Does it reproduce with the sample project contained in this repository?

SnoutFace commented 1 year ago

I just tested with the sample project using Unity 2021.3.38f1. After switching to HDRP and then changing to DX12 Unity crashed again, here is the editor log:


Thank you

keijiro commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the clarification. Sure. I'll try to reproduce on my side with the sample project.

SnoutFace commented 1 year ago

Hi, I just wanted to give more details of my testing. I have found that the crashing is consistent on Unity versions 2022.1.13f1, 2021.3.8f1 and 2020.3.38f1.

I have reproduced the crash using the sample project in the test scene by doing these steps:

I have also reproduced the crash in the same versions of unity with a new project by doing these steps:

I have tested on 2 seperate PCs, one with an RTX 3080 and the other with an RTX 3080ti both using the newest game ready drivers from Nvidia.

Using DX11 there is no issue, so I will switch back to that for now

PockPocket commented 1 year ago

Any update on this ?

keijiro commented 1 year ago

@PockPocket No.

Harloys commented 1 year ago

You can use SpoutSender, just don't use CaptureMethod.GameView. And if you add SpoutSender from code don't forget to call SetResources method