keijiro / NNCam

Virtual background with Unity Barracuda
Apache License 2.0
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WebCam Output is NOT showing #16

Closed hyunjoebrother closed 2 years ago

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

Hello. Im university student who study Unity. I found your great NNCam and want to use it, but have some problem. When I run(play) this project, I check the WebCam is Truely running cuz my laptop-camera light turn on. However, NNcam output doesn't showing the WebCam. I have been put release-onnx file errorororo s on Assets/ONNX folder, and check another NNCam project, ex. Effect Unity project. When I run Effect Unity project, WebCam success. How Can I run NNCam (remove background) as right way? Thnks. My Unity version is 2020.3.37f1, Barracuda version is 1.3.2 Thank You.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

and check another NNCam project, ex. Effect Unity project.

Did it run successfully?

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

ffs and check another NNCam project, ex. Effect Unity project.

Did it run successfully?

Yes. No Error 😅

keijiro commented 2 years ago

Does your project run when you set a background texture?

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

Maybe Yes. When I change background of Camera and Compositor(Script), its change well

keijiro commented 2 years ago

Then it should run without the background texture.

How it breaks when you unset the background texture? What is the symptom?

By the way, you can ignore the warning messages (messages with the yellow "!" icon).

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

Then it should run without the background texture.

How it breaks when you unset the background texture? What is the symptom?

By the way, you can ignore the warning messages (messages with the yellow "!" icon).

Actually, Warning or Error Message is zero. Just Camera is not Working only at this project. It doesn't break when i do not setting background either.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

Just Camera is not Working only at this project.

I think the Camera worked in the first screenshot because it drew the gray background (null texture works as a gray texture).

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

Just Camera is not Working only at this project.

I think the Camera worked in the first screenshot because it drew the gray background (null texture works as a gray texture).

Oh How can I put Background Texture? Its mean 'Target Texture' on Camera Component?

keijiro commented 2 years ago

Set the Background property of the Compositor script.

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

Set the Background property of the Compositor script.

Yes I did it. But jest background layer is showing. No Human😂 However Cam state is turnin on

keijiro commented 2 years ago

It comes back to the first question. Do the sample scenes (Room, Effect, etc.) work correctly? Does it show a person correctly?

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

It comes back to the first question. Do the sample scenes (Room, Effect, etc.) work correctly? Does it show a person correctly?

Yes. Effect scenes work correctly, with show a person. When I build & run Room scene, just Room background texture is showing, not a person.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

So, the Compositor works in the sample scenes, but it doesn't work in scenes you newly created.

Did you set the Resources and Shader properties correctly?

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

Yes I did. This is Room scene. No Human sfsd

And This is Effect Scene. Human is showing too dfcxc

keijiro commented 2 years ago

And This is Effect Scene. Human is showing too

No. The "Effect" scene is an example that adds swirling effects to people in front of the camera. I can't see any effect on your screenshot, so it isn't working correctly.

In summary, nothing work correctly on your side.

hyunjoebrother commented 2 years ago

And This is Effect Scene. Human is showing too

No. The "Effect" scene is an example that adds swirling effects to people in front of the camera. I can't see any effect on your screenshot, so it isn't working correctly.

In summary, nothing work correctly on your side.

OK I see. Could you tell me about what is the problem about Effect Scene setting at above image..?

keijiro commented 2 years ago

Could you tell me about what is the problem about Effect Scene setting at above image..?

There is no problem. It should run.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

I close this issue as "not relevant" (the question is not about this project but for user's private project).