keijiro / OscJack

Lightweight C# implementation of OSC server/client
The Unlicense
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Scoped registry doesn't work while trying to pull from package manager? #35

Closed YichenWangs closed 2 years ago

YichenWangs commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

I was trying to set up OscJack in my unity project and when I followed the registry instruction, package manager threw me this error:

[Package Manager Window] Cannot perform upm operation: Unable to perform online search: Cannot fetch authorization code. User access token is expired or invalid. You may need to sign out and sign in again. [Unknown]. UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () [Package Manager Window] Error while getting auth code: System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to call Unity ID to get auth code. UnityEditor.AsyncHTTPClient:Done (UnityEditor.AsyncHTTPClient/State,int)

which I think it means something wrong happened from the registry end? Can please double check if it is possible?

Thanks for this great work! Cheers.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

Sometimes this issue happens to me too. For my cases, strangely, it's solved by re-syncing the clock on my computer (I'm using Linux/Windows dual booting environment, and it causes clock de-sync when switching the OSes).

I'd recommend re-syncing the clock on your computer. If you're using a VPN, I also recommend turning it on/off.

keijiro commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this issue now. Please reopen it if it still reproduces.