Open PabloBuitrago opened 4 years ago
Hi, had a similar issue (using ipad). Solution by @PabloBuitrago is working nicely.
Longshot here, but do you happen to still have the point.shader file? After trying this on my end, my pointlcouds either still don't show at all or showing pink.
Longshot here, but do you happen to still have the point.shader file? After trying this on my end, my pointlcouds either still don't show at all or showing pink.
Incase anyone else runs into this issue in the future. Pablo's comment is correct. I had to move the PCX folder out of my package cache and directly into my Assets folder. I found that the script kept resetting otherwise, and wouldn't save the changes when converting from half to float. Here's the final script I ended up with per the recommendations above:
Shader "Point Cloud/Point" { Properties { _Tint("Tint", Color) = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) _PointSize("Point Size", Float) = 0.05 [Toggle] _Distance("Apply Distance", Float) = 1 } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" } Pass { CGPROGRAM
#pragma vertex Vertex
#pragma fragment Fragment
#pragma multi_compile_fog
#pragma multi_compile _ UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA
#pragma multi_compile _ _DISTANCE_ON
#pragma multi_compile _ _COMPUTE_BUFFER
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "Common.cginc"
struct Attributes
float4 position : POSITION;
float3 color : COLOR;
struct Varyings
float4 position : SV_Position;
float3 color : COLOR;
float psize : PSIZE;
half4 _Tint;
float4x4 _Transform;
float _PointSize;
StructuredBuffer<float4> _PointBuffer;
Varyings Vertex(uint vid : SV_VertexID)
Varyings Vertex(Attributes input)
float4 pt = _PointBuffer[vid];
float4 pos = mul(_Transform, float4(, 1));
float3 col = PcxDecodeColor(asuint(pt.w));
float4 pos = input.position;
float3 col = input.color;
col *= _Tint.rgb * 2;
col *= LinearToGammaSpace(_Tint.rgb) * 2;
col = GammaToLinearSpace(col);
Varyings o;
o.position = UnityObjectToClipPos(pos);
o.color = col;
o.psize = _PointSize / o.position.w * _ScreenParams.y;
o.psize = _PointSize;
UNITY_TRANSFER_FOG(o, o.position);
return o;
half4 Fragment(Varyings input) : SV_Target
half4 c = half4(input.color, _Tint.a);
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(input.fogCoord, c);
return c;
CustomEditor "Pcx.PointMaterialInspector"
Hello Keijiro,
I want to congratulate you on the work of this Unity project it looks really cool.
I was currently working with Unity 2019.1.21f and AR Foundation 3.1.0, I had problems with the Pcx/Assets/Pcx/Runtime/Shaders/Point.shader shader since the graphics API used by the AR Foundation is OpenGLES3 (and not used OpenGLE2 because AR Foundation not supported but only shader when not used AR Foundation worked well) and in compilations in iOS it gave me this result:
In the end, in the Point.shader file, change all the half to float, since you got the half non-recognition error when loading the point cloud. And I made it look good:
Any ideas why this happens? (I am loading .ply files at runtime after download with external cloud, now works in Android and iOS with AR Foundation)