keijiro / Rcam

Real time volumetric video capture for live visuals
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Rethrow as Exception: Couldn't resolve requests #3

Open xhurch opened 3 years ago

xhurch commented 3 years ago

Hi Keijiro, This project has worked in the past but is no longer working. I'm using the same version of Unity 2019.1.9f1.

I'm getting this error:

ExternalException: rs2_pipeline_start_with_config(pipe:000001D7382DFC10, config:000001D7CD907920) Rethrow as Exception: Couldn't resolve requests Intel.RealSense.ErrorMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged (System.IntPtr pNativeData) (at <39ff202c67d64a63acbba4ae542e7167>:0) Intel.RealSense.Pipeline.Start (Intel.RealSense.Config cfg) (at <39ff202c67d64a63acbba4ae542e7167>:0) Rsvfx.CombinedDriver+d__32.MoveNext () (at C:/Users/PIMG/Desktop/Rcam-master/Library/PackageCache/jp.keijiro.rsvfx@75e71b761e68230e3ac878f535012a6613f84067/Runtime/CombinedDriver.cs:229) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)

Both cameras are working in the Intel RealSense Viewer.

The error results in no feedback from the cameras within Unity. Any fix? Thanks for any help.

xhurch commented 3 years ago

I'm also getting this error when I open the project:

Unable to parse file ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt: [mapping values are not allowed in this context] at line 1