keijiro / Rsvfx

An example that shows how to connect RealSense depth camera to Unity VFX Graph
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wiper vfx can not be edited in another project #23

Closed fdiba closed 5 years ago

fdiba commented 5 years ago

Hello, when I try to edit wiper vfx inside another project the effect do not work anymore as soon as I open it. It's not the case for the other vfx (like particle, scanner or simple).

I can edit it in the original project but not in a new one. I get these errors:

Remove 2 child(ren) that couldnt be deserialized from of type UnityEditor.VFX.VFXGraph UnityEditor.VFX.VFXGraph:OnEnable()

Remove 2 child(ren) that couldnt be deserialized from of type UnityEditor.VFX.VFXGraph UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

Any idea to solve the problem ?

keijiro commented 5 years ago

I think that's because it uses some custom nodes from the VfxExtra project. I don't recommend using it in other projects. It's quite dirty hack so that it will be broken in future versions.

fdiba commented 5 years ago

Ok, thank you for the tip. I hope the effect will be reproductible at a certain point without the VfxExtra project.

keijiro commented 5 years ago

I'll do when VFX Graph gets a proper way to implement a custom node without a hacky way.