keikoro / GHmsg

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firefox-yt-addon #3

Open keikoro opened 1 year ago

keikoro commented 1 year ago

@atahabaki I can't open an issue on the archived firefox-yt-addon repo, so I'm asking here:

Is what's contained in there the source of the YouTube Search Engine Firefox add-on? Based on the extension's purpose, it would seem so, but the add-on page doesn't provide a link to its source code – which I personally always find red flaggy, especially for extensions which claim to be open source – and the files in the repo were updated much more recently than the extension.

If this is what the add-on is based on, is there a reason why you didn't link the repo from the add-on page? I get that an archived repo is less helpful to users than an active one, but would still find a link better than no link.

atahabaki commented 1 year ago

I apologize for any confusion caused. As the developer, I admit that back when I developed the YouTube Search Engine Firefox add-on, I was not familiar with git and version control systems. Therefore, at that time, I created the archived firefox-yt-addon repository and pushed the source code there.

Regarding the absence of a direct link to the repository from the add-on page, I understand your concerns. It's important to provide transparency and easy access to the source code, especially for extensions claiming to be open source. I acknowledge that not including a link to the repository may raise red flags for users, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

At the time of developing the add-on, I didn't have the foresight to consider the importance of linking the repository from the add-on page. Additionally, since the repository is now archived, its usefulness may be limited compared to an active repository. However, I agree that even an archived repository can still offer valuable insights.

I appreciate your feedback, and I apologize for any frustration this may have caused. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know.

atahabaki commented 1 year ago

I've updated the product page.

atahabaki commented 1 year ago

Quickie is now on Firefox Browser Add-ons

keikoro commented 1 year ago

Cool, @atahabaki, thanks for the updates!

Sorry for my late reply, I've been busy with other things. I appreciate your taking my criticism in good spirit, as it was given in good faith.

I haven't yet had time to check out the new add-on, but still intend to do so!