keilladraconis / Fallout-Vore

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Rebuild Vore Progress #23

Open keilladraconis opened 1 year ago

keilladraconis commented 1 year ago

First of all, Vore Progress simulation is optional and controlled via mod manager stuff. It can be turned on and off at will, and thiccness can also be turned on and off at will, and when the simulation is off, it can be adjusted with a slider.

Progress increases capacity, hunger, metabolism, etc. All in ways that should influence how you play the vanilla fallout game, such as building up settlements so you have plenty of prey (or food) at hand.

Progress proceeds along multiple tracks:


Simply starts at a level where you can eat one roach or mole or bug and become full. Eating a second gives an 'overeat' debuff, does some HP damage but counts 1 point towards a capacity increase. The amount required to increase capacity varies by difficulty. At Very Easy it's 10 points. At Very Hard it's 50.

What happens if you keep stuffing yourself past the limit? You burst. All the critters you ate spawn back into the world, you lose all capacity progress points, and optionally you die too. Or you just respawn with a low amount of health, but everything you ate is terrified and flees you for a while.

Gut Power

Directly affects digestion speed to the tune of 1HP per second at level 1, multipled by each level beyond that. Digestion strength is divided amongst all prey in the stomach.

Progress is achieved by drinking nuka acid. There's no scaling for difficulty level. Progress is reversed by drinking the vore cure potion (tbd).


Digested prey turn into thiccness, which in turn is burned as a passive heal over time, or by survival hunger needs. Consuming prey while thicc adds points to metabolism progress, same as capacity. 10 points to increment on VE, 50 on VH. This affects the rate of healing from thiccness as a linear multiple, and the hunger threshold below which thiccness is consumed to avoid starvation.

Unlike capacity it does decrease if you have no thiccness when the heal check is performed, or you're frequently burning fat to avoid starvation. In this way it's a reflexive control system that should provide interesting gameplay.

You can still become stupendously thicc by simply hanging out in your settlement, taking no damage, eating everything and everyone. Normal Fallout4 gameplay should tend to limit thiccness because of the plentiful sources of damage in the wasteland.

How to know where you stand on vore progress?

Holotape, or the vore computer in the vore basement.

Voracity can also be cured by a special potion. Available in the vore basement and also craftable by chemistry. Also a rare high level drop from some faction?

Jesseman1 commented 1 year ago

This does sound like a very interesting system. I hope it turns out well when applied to actual play. I do have a concern with the 'bursting' feature though, I feel that would be a huge turn away for many people.

Could bursting be made an optional thing? I can understand wanting a system to punish the player for being too greedy, but bursting seems very harsh and extreme. If bursting is turned off, perhaps hitting the burst threshold could work similar to the current V3 capacity limit, where attempting to eat more prey results in an ordinary unarmed attack, but the player still takes the HP damage that would come from normal over eating?

This method would still punish the player for going too far, and ultimately kill them if they keep repeating it, without going into territory that might be upsetting for some people.