keimlink / docker-sphinx-doc

:whale: :blue_book: A Docker image for Sphinx, a documentation tool written in Python.
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Update sphinx to 2.0.0 #117

Closed pyup-bot closed 5 years ago

pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

This PR updates sphinx from 1.7.1 to 2.0.0.

Changelog ### 2.0.0 ``` ==================================== Dependencies ------------ * LaTeX builder now depends on TeX Live 2015 or above. * LaTeX builder (with ``'pdflatex'`` :confval:`latex_engine`) will process Unicode Greek letters in text (not in math mark-up) via the text font and will not escape them to math mark-up. See the discussion of the ``'fontenc'`` key of :confval:`latex_elements`; such (optional) support for Greek adds, for example on Ubuntu xenial, the ``texlive-lang-greek`` and (if default font set-up is not modified) ``cm-super(-minimal)`` as additional Sphinx LaTeX requirements. * LaTeX builder with :confval:`latex_engine` set to ``'xelatex'`` or to ``'lualatex'`` requires (by default) the ``FreeFont`` fonts, which in Ubuntu xenial are provided by package ``fonts-freefont-otf``, and e.g. in Fedora 29 via package ``texlive-gnu-freefont``. * requests 2.5.0 or above * The six package is no longer a dependency * The sphinxcontrib-websupport package is no longer a dependency * Some packages are separated to sub packages: - sphinxcontrib.applehelp - sphinxcontrib.devhelp - sphinxcontrib.htmlhelp - sphinxcontrib.jsmath - sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml - sphinxcontrib.qthelp Incompatible changes -------------------- * Drop python 2.7 and 3.4 support * Drop docutils 0.11 support * The default setting for :confval:`master_doc` is changed to ``'index'`` which has been longly used as default of sphinx-quickstart. * LaTeX: Move message resources to ``sphinxmessage.sty`` * LaTeX: Stop using ``\captions<lang>`` macro for some labels * LaTeX: for ``'xelatex'`` and ``'lualatex'``, use the ``FreeFont`` OpenType fonts as default choice (refs: 5645) * LaTeX: ``'xelatex'`` and ``'lualatex'`` now use ``\small`` in code-blocks (due to ``FreeMono`` character width) like ``'pdflatex'`` already did (due to ``Courier`` character width). You may need to adjust this via :confval:`latex_elements` ``'fvset'`` key, in case of usage of some other OpenType fonts (refs: 5768) * LaTeX: Greek letters in text are not escaped to math mode mark-up, and they will use the text font not the math font. The ``LGR`` font encoding must be added to the ``'fontenc'`` key of :confval:`latex_elements` for this to work (only if it is needed by the document, of course). * LaTeX: setting the :confval:`language` to ``'en'`` triggered ``Sonny`` option of ``fncychap``, now it is ``Bjarne`` to match case of no language specified. (refs: 5772) * 5770: doctest: Follow :confval:`highlight_language` on highlighting doctest block. As a result, they are highlighted as python3 by default. * The order of argument for ``HTMLTranslator``, ``HTML5Translator`` and ``ManualPageTranslator`` are changed * LaTeX: hard-coded redefinitions of ``\lsection`` and ``\lsubsection`` formerly done during loading of ``'manual'`` docclass get executed later, at time of ``\sphinxtableofcontents``. This means that custom user definitions from LaTeX preamble now get overwritten. Use ``\sphinxtableofcontentshook`` to insert custom user definitions. See :ref:`latex-macros`. * quickstart: Simplify generated ```` * 4148: quickstart: some questions are removed. They are still able to specify via command line options * websupport: unbundled from sphinx core. Please use sphinxcontrib-websupport * C++, the visibility of base classes is now always rendered as present in the input. That is, ``private`` is now shown, where it was ellided before. * LaTeX: graphics inclusion of oversized images rescales to not exceed the text width and height, even if width and/or height option were used. (refs: 5956) * epub: ``epub_title`` defaults to the :confval:`project` option * 4550: All tables and figures without ``align`` option are displayed to center * 4587: html: Output HTML5 by default Deprecated ---------- * Support for evaluating Python 2 syntax is deprecated. This includes configuration files which should be converted to Python 3. * The arguments of ``EpubBuilder.build_mimetype()``, ``EpubBuilder.build_container()``, ``EpubBuilder.bulid_content()``, ``EpubBuilder.build_toc()`` and ``EpubBuilder.build_epub()`` * The arguments of ``Epub3Builder.build_navigation_doc()`` * The config variables - :confval:`html_experimental_html5_writer` * The ``encoding`` argument of ``autodoc.Documenter.get_doc()``, ``autodoc.DocstringSignatureMixin.get_doc()``, ``autodoc.DocstringSignatureMixin._find_signature()``, and ``autodoc.ClassDocumenter.get_doc()`` are deprecated. * The ``importer`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockModule`` * The ``nodetype`` argument of `` is_meta_keywords()`` * The ``suffix`` argument of ``env.doc2path()`` is deprecated. * The string style ``base`` argument of ``env.doc2path()`` is deprecated. * The fallback to allow omitting the ``filename`` argument from an overridden ``IndexBuilder.feed()`` method is deprecated. * ``sphinx.addnodes.abbreviation`` * ``sphinx.application.Sphinx._setting_up_extension`` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.cmd.quickstart.term_decode()`` * ``sphinx.cmd.quickstart.TERM_ENCODING`` * ``sphinx.config.check_unicode()`` * ``sphinx.config.string_classes`` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockImporter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.warn()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.genopt`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.warnings`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.result`` * ``sphinx.ext.doctest.doctest_encode()`` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.registry.SphinxComponentRegistry.add_source_input()`` * ``sphinx.roles.abbr_role()`` * ``sphinx.roles.emph_literal_role()`` * ``sphinx.roles.menusel_role()`` * ``sphinx.roles.index_role()`` * ``sphinx.roles.indexmarkup_role()`` * ``sphinx.testing.util.remove_unicode_literal()`` * ``sphinx.util.attrdict`` * ``sphinx.util.force_decode()`` * ``sphinx.util.get_matching_docs()`` * ``sphinx.util.inspect.Parameter`` * ``sphinx.util.jsonimpl`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.EEXIST`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.EINVAL`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.ENOENT`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.EPIPE`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.walk()`` * ``sphinx.util.PeekableIterator`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.NoneType`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.TextIOWrapper`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.UnicodeMixin`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.htmlescape`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.indent`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.sys_encoding`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.terminal_safe()`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.u`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.ExtBabel`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator._make_visit_admonition()`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.babel_defmacro()`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.collect_footnotes()`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.generate_numfig_format()`` * ``sphinx.writers.texinfo.TexinfoTranslator._make_visit_admonition()`` * ``sphinx.writers.text.TextTranslator._make_depart_admonition()`` * template variables for LaTeX template - ``logo`` - ``numfig_format`` - ``pageautorefname`` - ``translatablestrings`` For more details, see :ref:`deprecation APIs list <dev-deprecated-apis>`. Features added -------------- * 1618: The search results preview of generated HTML documentation is reader-friendlier: instead of showing the snippets as raw reStructuredText markup, Sphinx now renders the corresponding HTML. This means the Sphinx extension `Sphinx: pretty search results`__ is no longer necessary. Note that changes to the search function of your custom or 3rd-party HTML template might overwrite this improvement. __ * 4182: autodoc: Support :confval:`suppress_warnings` * 5533: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_default_options` supports ``member-order`` * 5394: autodoc: Display readable names in type annotations for mocked objects * 5459: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_default_options` accepts ``True`` as a value * 1148: autodoc: Add :rst:dir:`autodecorator` directive for decorators * 5635: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_mock_imports` to mock external libraries on importing targets * 4018: htmlhelp: Add :confval:`htmlhelp_file_suffix` and :confval:`htmlhelp_link_suffix` * 5559: text: Support complex tables (colspan and rowspan) * LaTeX: support rendering (not in math, yet) of Greek and Cyrillic Unicode letters in non-Cyrillic document even with ``'pdflatex'`` as :confval:`latex_engine` (refs: 5645) * 5660: The ``versionadded``, ``versionchanged`` and ``deprecated`` directives are now generated with their own specific CSS classes (``added``, ``changed`` and ``deprecated``, respectively) in addition to the generic ``versionmodified`` class. * 5841: apidoc: Add --extensions option to sphinx-apidoc * 4981: C++, added an alias directive for inserting lists of declarations, that references existing declarations (e.g., for making a synopsis). * C++: add ``cpp:struct`` to complement ``cpp:class``. * 1341 the HTML search considers words that contain a search term of length three or longer a match. * 4611: epub: Show warning for duplicated ToC entries * 1851: Allow to omit an argument for :rst:dir:`code-block` directive. If omitted, it follows :rst:dir:`highlight` or :confval:`highlight_language` * 4587: html: Add :confval:`html4_writer` to use old HTML4 writer * 6016: HTML search: A placeholder for the search summary prevents search result links from changing their position when the search terminates. This makes navigating search results easier. * 5196: linkcheck also checks remote images exist * 5924: githubpages: create CNAME file for custom domains when :confval:`html_baseurl` set * 4261: autosectionlabel: restrict the labeled sections by new config value; :confval:`autosectionlabel_maxdepth` Bugs fixed ---------- * 1682: LaTeX: writer should not translate Greek unicode, but use textgreek package * 5247: LaTeX: PDF does not build with default font config for Russian language and ``'xelatex'`` or ``'lualatex'`` as :confval:`latex_engine` (refs: 5251) * 5248: LaTeX: Greek letters in section titles disappear from PDF bookmarks * 5249: LaTeX: Unicode Greek letters in math directive break PDF build (fix requires extra set-up, see :confval:`latex_elements` ``'textgreek'`` key and/or :confval:`latex_engine` setting) * 5772: LaTeX: should the Bjarne style of fncychap be used for English also if passed as language option? * 5179: LaTeX: (lualatex only) escaping of ``>`` by ``\textgreater{}`` is not enough as ``\textgreater{}\textgreater{}`` applies TeX-ligature * LaTeX: project name is not escaped if :confval:`latex_documents` omitted * LaTeX: authors are not shown if :confval:`latex_documents` omitted * HTML: Invalid HTML5 file is generated for a glossary having multiple terms for one description (refs: 4611) * QtHelp: OS dependent path separator is used in .qhp file * HTML search: search always returns nothing when multiple search terms are used and one term is shorter than three characters Testing -------- * Stop to use ``SPHINX_TEST_TEMPDIR`` envvar ``` ### 1.8.6 ``` Dependencies ------------ Incompatible changes -------------------- Deprecated ---------- Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- Testing -------- ``` ### 1.8.5 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * LaTeX: Remove extraneous space after author names on PDF title page (refs: 6004) * 6026: LaTeX: A cross reference to definition list does not work * 6046: LaTeX: ``TypeError`` is raised when invalid latex_elements given * 6067: LaTeX: images having a target are concatenated to next line * 6067: LaTeX: images having a target are not aligned even if specified * 6149: LaTeX: ``:index:`` role in titles causes ``Use of \icentercr doesn't match its definition`` error on latexpdf build * 6019: imgconverter: Including multipage PDF fails * 6047: autodoc: ``autofunction`` emits a warning for method objects * 6028: graphviz: Ensure the graphviz filenames are reproducible * 6068: doctest: ``skipif`` option may remove the code block from documentation * 6136: ``:name:`` option for ``math`` directive causes a crash * 6139: intersphinx: ValueError on failure reporting * 6135: changes: Fix UnboundLocalError when any module found * 3859: manpage: code-block captions are not displayed correctly ``` ### 1.8.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 3707: latex: no bold checkmark (✔) available. * 5605: with the documentation language set to Chinese, English words could not be searched. * 5889: LaTeX: user ``numfig_format`` is stripped of spaces and may cause build failure * C++, fix hyperlinks for declarations involving east cv-qualifiers. * 5755: C++, fix duplicate declaration error on function templates with constraints in the return type. * C++, parse unary right fold expressions and binary fold expressions. * pycode could not handle egg files on windows * 5928: KeyError: 'DOCUTILSCONFIG' when running build * 5936: LaTeX: PDF build broken by inclusion of image taller than page height in an admonition * 5231: "make html" does not read and build "po" files in "locale" dir * 5954: ``:scale:`` image option may break PDF build if image in an admonition * 5966: mathjax has not been loaded on incremental build * 5960: LaTeX: modified PDF layout since September 2018 TeXLive update of :file:`parskip.sty` * 5948: LaTeX: duplicated labels are generated for sections * 5958: versionadded directive causes crash with Python 3.5.0 * 5995: autodoc: autodoc_mock_imports conflict with metaclass on Python 3.7 * 5871: texinfo: a section title ``.`` is not allowed ``` ### 1.8.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * LaTeX: it is possible to insert custom material to appear on back of title page, see discussion of ``'maketitle'`` key of :confval:`latex_elements` (``'manual'`` docclass only) Bugs fixed ---------- * 5725: mathjax: Use CDN URL for "latest" version by default * 5460: html search does not work with some 3rd party themes * 5520: LaTeX, caption package incompatibility since Sphinx 1.6 * 5614: autodoc: incremental build is broken when builtin modules are imported * 5627: qthelp: index.html missing in QtHelp * 5659: linkcheck: crashes for a hyperlink containing multibyte character * 5754: DOC: Fix some mistakes in :doc:`/latex` * 5810: LaTeX: sphinxVerbatim requires explicit "hllines" set-up since 1.6.6 (refs: 1238) * 5636: C++, fix parsing of floating point literals. * 5496 (again): C++, fix assertion in partial builds with duplicates. * 5724: quickstart: sphinx-quickstart fails when $LC_ALL is empty * 1956: Default is not PEP8-compliant * 5849: LaTeX: document class ``\maketitle`` is overwritten with no possibility to use original meaning in place of Sphinx custom one * 5834: apidoc: wrong help for ``--tocfile`` * 5800: todo: crashed if todo is defined in TextElement * 5846: htmlhelp: convert hex escaping to decimal escaping in .hhc/.hhk files * htmlhelp: broken .hhk file generated when title contains a double quote ``` ### 1.8.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 5497: Do not include MathJax.js and jsmath.js unless it is really needed Features added -------------- * 5471: Show appropriate deprecation warnings Bugs fixed ---------- * 5490: latex: enumerated list causes a crash with recommonmark * 5492: sphinx-build fails to build docs w/ Python < 3.5.2 * 3704: latex: wrong ``\label`` positioning for figures with a legend * 5496: C++, fix assertion when a symbol is declared more than twice. * 5493: gettext: crashed with broken template * 5495: csv-table directive with file option in included file is broken (refs: 4821) * 5498: autodoc: unable to find type hints for a ``functools.partial`` * 5480: autodoc: unable to find type hints for unresolvable Forward references * 5419: incompatible math_block node has been generated * 5548: Fix ensuredir() in case of pre-existing file * 5549: graphviz Correctly deal with non-existing static dir * 3002: i18n: multiple footnote_references referring same footnote cause duplicated node_ids * 5563: latex: footnote_references generated by extension causes a LaTeX builder crash * 5561: make all-pdf fails with old xindy version * 5557: quickstart: --no-batchfile isn't honored * 3080: texinfo: multiline rubrics are broken * 3080: texinfo: multiline citations are broken ``` ### 1.8.1 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * LaTeX ``\pagestyle`` commands have been moved to the LaTeX template. No changes in PDF, except possibly if ``\sphinxtableofcontents``, which contained them, had been customized in :file:``. (refs: 5455) Bugs fixed ---------- * 5418: Incorrect default path for sphinx-build -d/doctrees files * 5421: autodoc emits deprecation warning for :confval:`autodoc_default_flags` * 5422: lambda object causes PicklingError on storing environment * 5417: Sphinx fails to build with syntax error in Python 2.7.5 * 4911: add latexpdf to make.bat for non make-mode * 5436: Autodoc does not work with enum subclasses with properties/methods * 5437: autodoc: crashed on modules importing eggs * 5433: latex: ImportError: cannot import name 'DEFAULT_SETTINGS' * 5431: autodoc: ``autofunction`` emits a warning for callable objects * 5457: Fix TypeError in error message when override is prohibited * 5453: PDF builds of 'howto' documents have no page numbers * 5463: mathbase: math_role and MathDirective was disappeared in 1.8.0 * 5454: latex: Index has disappeared from PDF for Japanese documents * 5432: py domain: ``:type:`` field can't process ``:term:`` references * 5426: py domain: TypeError has been raised for class attribute ``` ### 1.8.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ ``` ### 1.8.0b2 ``` * html: search box overrides to other elements if scrolled * i18n: warnings for translation catalogs have wrong line numbers (refs: 5321) * 5325: latex: cross references has been broken by multiply labeled objects * C++, fixes for symbol addition and lookup. Lookup should no longer break in partial builds. See also 5337. * 5348: download reference to remote file is not displayed * 5282: html theme: ``pygments_style`` of theme was overridden by ```` by default * 4379: toctree shows confusing warning when document is excluded * 2401: autodoc: ``:members:`` causes ``:special-members:`` not to be shown * autodoc: ImportError is replaced by AttributeError for deeper module * 2720, 4034: Incorrect links with ``:download:``, duplicate names, and parallel builds * 5290: autodoc: failed to analyze source code in egg package * 5399: Sphinx crashes if unknown po file exists ``` ### 1.8.0b1 ``` * 5083: Fix wrong make.bat option for internationalization. * 5115: napoleon: add admonitions added by 4613 to the docs. ``` ### 1.7.9 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 5359: Make generated texinfo files reproducible by sorting the anchors Bugs fixed ---------- * 5361: crashed on incremental build if document uses include directive ``` ### 1.7.8 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * The type of ``env.included`` has been changed to dict of set Bugs fixed ---------- * 5320: intersphinx: crashed if invalid url given * 5326: manpage: crashed when invalid docname is specified as ``man_pages`` * 5322: autodoc: ``Any`` typehint causes formatting error * 5327: "document isn't included in any toctree" warning on rebuild with generated files * 5335: quickstart: escape sequence has been displayed with MacPorts' python ``` ### 1.7.7 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 5198: document not in toctree warning when including files only for parallel builds * LaTeX: reduce "Token not allowed in a PDF string" hyperref warnings in latex console output (refs: 5236) * LaTeX: suppress "remreset Warning: The remreset package is obsolete" in latex console output with recent LaTeX (refs: 5237) * 5234: PDF output: usage of PAPER environment variable is broken since Sphinx 1.5 * LaTeX: fix the :confval:`latex_engine` documentation regarding Latin Modern font with XeLaTeX/LuaLateX (refs: 5251) * 5280: autodoc: Fix wrong type annotations for complex typing * autodoc: Optional types are wrongly rendered * 5291: autodoc crashed by ForwardRef types * 5211: autodoc: No docs generated for functools.partial functions * 5306: autodoc: ``getargspec()`` raises NameError for invalid typehints * 5298: imgmath: math_number_all causes equations to have two numbers in html * 5294: sphinx-quickstart blank prompts in PowerShell ``` ### 1.7.6 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 5037: LaTeX ``\sphinxupquote{}`` breaks in Russian * sphinx.testing uses deprecated pytest API; ``Node.get_marker(name)`` * 5016: crashed when recommonmark.AutoStrictify is enabled * 5022: latex: crashed with docutils package provided by Debian/Ubuntu * 5009: latex: a label for table is vanished if table does not have a caption * 5048: crashed with numbered toctree * 2410: C, render empty argument lists for macros. * C++, fix lookup of full template specializations with no template arguments. * 4667: C++, fix assertion on missing references in global scope when using intersphinx. Thanks to Alan M. Carroll. * 5019: autodoc: crashed by Form Feed Character * 5032: autodoc: loses the first staticmethod parameter for old styled classes * 5036: quickstart: Typing Ctrl-U clears the whole of line * 5066: html: "relations" sidebar is not shown by default * 5091: latex: curly braces in index entries are not handled correctly * 5070: epub: Wrong internal href fragment links * 5104: apidoc: Interface of ``sphinx.apidoc:main()`` has changed * 4272: PDF builds of French projects have issues with XeTeX * 5076: napoleon raises RuntimeError with python 3.7 * 5125: sphinx-build: Interface of ``sphinx:main()`` has changed * sphinx-build: ```` refers ``sys.argv`` instead of given argument * 5146: autosummary: warning is emitted when the first line of docstring ends with literal notation * autosummary: warnings of autosummary indicates wrong location (refs: 5146) * 5143: autodoc: crashed on inspecting dict like object which does not support sorting * 5139: autodoc: Enum argument missing if it shares value with another * 4946: py domain: rtype field could not handle "None" as a type * 5176: LaTeX: indexing of terms containing `, ``!``, or ``"`` fails * 5161: html: crashes if copying static files are failed * 5167: autodoc: Fix formatting type annotations for tuples with more than two arguments * 3329: i18n: crashed by auto-symbol footnote references * 5158: autosummary: module summary has been broken when it starts with heading ``` ### 1.7.5 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 4924: html search: Upper characters problem in any other languages * 4932: apidoc: some subpackage is ignored if sibling subpackage contains a module starting with underscore * 4863, 4938, 4939: i18n doesn't handle correctly node.title as used for contents, topic, admonition, table and section. * 4913: i18n: literal blocks in bullet list are not translated * 4962: C++, raised TypeError on duplicate declaration. * 4825: C++, properly parse expr roles and give better error messages when (escaped) line breaks are present. * C++, properly use ``desc_addname`` nodes for prefixes of names. * C++, parse pack expansions in function calls. * 4915, 4916: links on search page are broken when using dirhtml builder * 4969: autodoc: constructor method should not have return annotation * latex: deeply nested enumerated list which is beginning with non-1 causes LaTeX engine crashed * 4978: latex: shorthandoff is not set up for Brazil locale * 4928: i18n: Ignore dot-directories like .git/ in LC_MESSAGES/ * 4946: py domain: type field could not handle "None" as a type * 4979: latex: Incorrect escaping of curly braces in index entries * 4956: autodoc: Failed to extract document from a subclass of the class on mocked module * 4973: latex: glossary directive adds whitespace to each item * 4980: latex: Explicit labels on code blocks are duplicated * 4919: node.asdom() crashes if toctree has :numbered: option * 4914: autodoc: Parsing error when using dataclasses without default values * 4931: autodoc: crashed when handler for autodoc-skip-member raises an error * 4931: autodoc: crashed when subclass of mocked class are processed by napoleon module * 5007: sphinx-build crashes when error log contains a "%" character ``` ### 1.7.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 4885, 4887: domains: Crashed with duplicated objects * 4889: latex: sphinx.writers.latex causes recursive import ``` ### 1.7.3 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 4769: autodoc loses the first staticmethod parameter * 4790: autosummary: too wide two column tables in PDF builds * 4795: Latex customization via ``_templates/longtable.tex_t`` is broken * 4789: imgconverter: confused by convert.exe of Windows * 4783: On windows, Sphinx crashed when drives of srcdir and outdir are different * 4812: autodoc ignores type annotated variables * 4817: wrong URLs on warning messages * 4784: latex: :confval:`latex_show_urls` assigns incorrect footnote numbers if hyperlinks exists inside substitutions * 4837: latex with class memoir Error: Font command ``\sf`` is not supported * 4803: latex: too slow in proportion to number of auto numbered footnotes * 4838: htmlhelp: The entries in .hhp file is not ordered * toctree directive tries to glob for URL having query_string * 4871: html search: Upper characters problem in German * 4717: latex: Compilation for German docs failed with LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX * 4459: duplicated labels detector does not work well in parallel build * 4878: Crashed with extension which returns invalid metadata ``` ### 1.7.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 4520: apidoc: folders with an empty are no longer excluded from TOC Bugs fixed ---------- * 4669: sphinx.build_main and sphinx.make_main throw NameError * 4685: autosummary emits meaningless warnings * autodoc: crashed when invalid options given * pydomain: always strip parenthesis if empty (refs: 1042) * 4689: autosummary: unexpectedly strips docstrings containing "i.e." * 4701: viewcode: Misplaced ``<div>`` in viewcode html output * 4444: Don't require numfig to use :numref: on sections * 4727: Option clash for package textcomp * 4725: Sphinx does not work with python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 * 4716: Generation PDF file with TexLive on Windows, file not found error * 4574: vertical space before equation in latex * 4720: message when an image is mismatched for builder is not clear * 4655, 4684: Incomplete localization strings in Polish and Chinese * 2286: Sphinx crashes when error is happens in rendering HTML pages * 4688: Error to download remote images having long URL * 4754: sphinx/pycode/ raises AttributeError * 1435: qthelp builder should htmlescape keywords * epub: Fix docTitle elements of toc.ncx is not escaped * 4520: apidoc: Subpackage not in toc (introduced in 1.6.6) now fixed * 4767: html: search highlighting breaks mathjax equations ```
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keimlink-machine commented 5 years ago
:warning: Version update - Please update and package.json before merging.

Generated by :no_entry_sign: dangerJS

pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

Closing this in favor of #118