keinsell / neuronek

🧬 Intelligent dosage tracker application with purpose to monitor supplements, nootropics and psychoactive substances along with their long-term influence on one's mind and body.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Add `Effects` from #291

Closed keinsell closed 1 year ago

keinsell commented 1 year ago
keinsell commented 1 year ago

God thanks for creator of effectindex by providing database dump, that's really nice from his side. It would be worthly to build a script that will use futher dumps (in case new effects will be created) and will produce single .json file with all these information.

keinsell commented 1 year ago

God thanks for creator of effectindex by providing database dump, that's really nice from his side. It would be worthly to build a script that will use futher dumps (in case new effects will be created) and will produce single .json file with all these information.

Okay... I've checked available database dump and I'm kinda not happy with outcome, a lot of data is missing comparing to one available on website - good move around this would be contacting author about such data.

keinsell commented 1 year ago

Nevermind, there's a lot of data manually written in .vue sadly. However, as there's no information in .json I'll take a part in building such based on existing information contained at Probably some scrapper would work fine but site doens't have consistent structure which may be a little trouble out there.

keinsell commented 1 year ago

As more I look on the more I understand why there's just a little of information in database and rest was written manually, talking there about one particular example available at:

keinsell commented 1 year ago

I think there is a lot of thinking and design when it comes to Effect class, which would potentially take a whole bunch of time to make it work at the end. I think actually we can stick into simple Effect class and hold this issue as much as it's possible - maybe ideas will come with time.

My current idea is to read closely especially entries with high data complexity such as autonomous entities, then find a common points such as intesivity of effects (represented by levels) and maybe create a colum for such, some field like EffectClassification may also work out to add additional information to some effects.

keinsell commented 1 year ago

So far, I've crawled complete dataset of as complete database was not exactly provided, actually I wish to focus on saving these information in database connected to project, as it will be done issue can be closed.