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Dependency Dashboard #416

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 months ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
bun rollup-plugin-terser Available
npm @types/tildify Unavailable
npm rollup-plugin-terser Available

Pending Approval

These branches will be created by Renovate only once you click their checkbox below.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

experiments/20240218-node-bundlers/package.json - `express 5.0.0-beta.1` - `get-port-please ^3.1.2` - `pg ^8.11.3` - `snappy ^7.2.2` - `@rollup/plugin-auto-install ^3.0.5` - `@rollup/plugin-beep ^1.0.3` - `@rollup/plugin-commonjs ^25.0.7` - `@rollup/plugin-json ^6.1.0` - `@rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^15.2.3` - `@rollup/plugin-typescript ^11.1.6` - `@rollup/plugin-wasm ^6.2.2` - `@types/express ^4.17.21` - `@types/node ^20.11.17` - `@types/pg ^8.11.0` - `@vercel/ncc ^0.38.1` - `napi-rs ^0.3.10` - `node-gyp ^10.0.1` - `node-gyp-build ^4.8.0` - `prebuildify ^6.0.0` - `rollup-plugin-flat-dts ^2.5.0` - `rollup-plugin-jscc ^2.0.0` - `rollup-plugin-natives ^0.7.8` - `rollup-plugin-node-globals ^1.4.0` - `rollup-plugin-node-polyfills ^0.2.1` - `rollup-plugin-swc3 ^0.11.0` - `rollup-plugin-terser ^7.0.2` - `tsc-progress ^1.0.4` - `typescript 5.4.0-beta` - `typescript-transform-paths ^3.4.6` - `@napi-rs/snappy-android-arm-eabi 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-android-arm64 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-darwin-arm64 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-darwin-x64 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-freebsd-x64 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm-gnueabihf 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm64-gnu 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm64-musl 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-x64-gnu 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-x64-musl 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-arm64-msvc 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-ia32-msvc 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-x64-msvc 7.2.2`
compose-dev.yml - `traefik v2.3` - `jaegertracing/all-in-one 1.41`
apps/server/build/Dockerfile - `node 18` - `node 18`
.github/actions/setup-docker/action.yml - `ScribeMD/docker-cache 0.3.6` - `docker/setup-qemu-action v2` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v2` - `docker/login-action v1`
.github/actions/setup-node/action.yml - `pnpm/action-setup v2` - `actions/setup-node v3` - `actions/cache v3`
.github/workflows/build.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4`
.github/workflows/cd.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/checkout v4`
.github/workflows/code-quality.yml - `actions/checkout v4`
.github/workflows/deploy.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `docker/build-push-action v5` - `koyeb-community/install-koyeb-cli v2` - `trstringer/manual-approval v1`
.github/workflows/pre-build.yml - `actions/checkout v4`
.github/workflows/preview.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `hashicorp/setup-terraform v3` - `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.0.0` - `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.0.0` - `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.0.0`
.github/workflows/provisioning.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `hashicorp/setup-terraform v3` - `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` - `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` - `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` - `actions/github-script v7` - `actions/checkout v4` - `hashicorp/setup-terraform v3` - `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` - `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0`
.github/workflows/security-codeql.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `github/codeql-action v3` - `github/codeql-action v3` - `github/codeql-action v3`
.github/workflows/test.yml - `actions/checkout v4`
experiments/20240221-microhttp-golang/go.mod - `go 1.18` - ` v2.52.1`
apps/server/package.json - `@apollo/server ^4.10.0` - `@as-integrations/fastify ^2.1.1` - `@automapper/classes ^8.8.1` - `@automapper/core ^8.8.1` - `@automapper/nestjs ^8.8.1` - `@dinero.js/currencies 2.0.0-alpha.14` - `@faker-js/faker ^8.4.1` - `@fastify/static ^7.0.1` - `@liaoliaots/nestjs-redis ^9.0.5` - `@nestia/core ^2.5.4` - `@nestia/e2e ^0.4.1` - `@nestjs/apollo ^12.1.0` - `@nestjs/cache-manager ^2.2.1` - `@nestjs/common ^10.3.2` - `@nestjs/core ^10.3.2` - `@nestjs/devtools-integration ^0.1.6` - `@nestjs/event-emitter ^2.0.4` - `@nestjs/graphql ^12.1.1` - `@nestjs/jwt ^10.2.0` - `@nestjs/microservices ^10.3.2` - `@nestjs/passport ^10.0.3` - `@nestjs/platform-express ^10.3.2` - `@nestjs/platform-fastify ^10.3.3` - `@nestjs/serve-static ^4.0.1` - `@nestjs/swagger ^7.3.0` - `@nestjs/terminus ^10.2.2` - `@openfeature/core ^0.0.25` - `@openfeature/server-sdk ^1.11.0` - `@opentelemetry/api ^1.7.0` - `@opentelemetry/api-events ^0.48.0` - `@opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node ^0.41.1` - `@opentelemetry/context-async-hooks ^1.21.0` - `@opentelemetry/core ^1.21.0` - `@opentelemetry/exporter-jaeger ^1.21.0` - `@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc ^0.48.0` - `@opentelemetry/instrumentation ^0.48.0` - `@opentelemetry/resources ^1.21.0` - `@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics ^1.21.0` - `@opentelemetry/sdk-node ^0.48.0` - `@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base ^1.21.0` - `@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node ^1.21.0` - `@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions ^1.21.0` - `@prisma/client 5.9.1` - `@prisma/engines ^5.9.1` - `@prisma/fetch-engine 5.9.1` - `@prisma/instrumentation ^5.9.1` - `@prisma/migrate ^5.9.1` - `@scalar/nestjs-api-reference ^0.1.46` - `@sentry/hub ^7.100.1` - `@sentry/integrations ^7.100.1` - `@sentry/node ^7.100.1` - `@sentry/opentelemetry ^7.100.1` - `@sentry/profiling-node ^7.100.1` - `@sentry/tracing ^7.100.1` - `@sentry/utils ^7.100.1` - `@typescript-virtual-barrel/compiler-plugin ^0.0.3` - `@typescript-virtual-barrel/language-service-plugin ^0.0.7` - `argon2 ^0.31.2` - `bcrypt ^5.1.1` - `bytes ^3.1.2` - `cache-manager ^5.4.0` - `chalk ^5.3.0` - `class-transformer ^0.5.1` - `class-validator ^0.14.1` - `convict ^6.2.4` - `cookie-parser ^1.4.6` - `cookie-session ^2.1.0` - `copyfiles ^2.4.1` - `craftpack ^0.0.16` - `crc ^4.3.2` - `create-nestjs-middleware-module ^0.3.1` - `dateformat ^5.0.3` - `delay ^6.0.0` - `detect-port ^1.5.1` - `dinero.js 2.0.0-alpha.14` - `dotenv ^16.4.1` - `envalid ^8.0.0` - `execa ^8.0.1` - `express 5.0.0-beta.1` - `express-session ^1.18.0` - `figlet ^1.7.0` - `filedirname ^3.4.0` - `fp-ts ^2.16.2` - `fs-jetpack ^5.1.0` - `get-port ^7.0.0` - `graphql ^16.8.1` - `helmet ^7.1.0` - `immutable 5.0.0-beta.5` - `ioredis ^5.3.2` - `is-unicode-supported ^2.0.0` - `jose ^5.2.2` - `jsonwebtoken ^9.0.2` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `ms ^2.1.3` - `multer 1.4.5-lts.1` - `murmurhash3js ^3.0.1` - `nanoid ^5.0.5` - `nats ^2.19.0` - `nestjs-cls ^4.1.0` - `neverthrow ^6.1.0` - `node-locksmith ^1.0.8` - `openid-client ^5.6.4` - `p-wait-for ^5.0.2` - `passport ^0.7.0` - `passport-jwt ^4.0.1` - `passport-local ^1.0.0` - `pino ^8.18.0` - `pino-rotating-file-stream ^0.0.2` - `ps-node ^0.1.6` - `pump ^3.0.0` - `ramda ^0.29.1` - `reflect-metadata ^0.2.1` - `request-ip ^3.3.0` - `rxjs ^7.8.1` - `signale ^1.4.0` - `split2 ^4.2.0` - `strip-ansi ^7.1.0` - `stripe ^14.16.0` - `swagger-themes ^1.2.30` - `through2 ^4.0.2` - `tildify ^3.0.0` - `tslib ^2.6.2` - `type-fest ^4.10.2` - `typia ^5.4.8` - `untildify ^5.0.0` - `untun ^0.1.3` - `useragent ^2.3.0` - `@automapper/types ^6.3.1` - `@compodoc/compodoc ^1.1.23` - `@formatjs/ts-transformer ^3.13.12` - `@nestia/sdk ^2.5.4` - `@nestjs/cli ^10.3.2` - `@nestjs/schematics ^10.1.1` - `@nestjs/testing ^10.3.2` - `@sentry/cli ^2.28.0` - `@sentry/types ^7.100.1` - `@types/bcrypt ^5.0.2` - `@types/bytes ~3.1.4` - `@types/convict ~6.1.6` - `@types/cookie-parser ^1.4.6` - `@types/cookie-session ^2.0.48` - `@types/copyfiles ~2.4.4` - `@types/dateformat ~5.0.2` - `@types/detect-port ~1.3.5` - `@types/eslint ~8.56.2` - `@types/eslint-config-prettier ~6.11.3` - `@types/express ^4.17.21` - `@types/express-session ^1.17.10` - `@types/figlet ~1.5.8` - `@types/jest ^29.5.12` - `@types/jsonwebtoken ^9.0.5` - `@types/lodash ^4.14.202` - `@types/ms ^0.7.34` - `@types/multer ^1.4.11` - `@types/murmurhash3js ^3.0.7` - `@types/node ^20.11.17` - `@types/nodemon ~1.19.6` - `@types/passport ~1.0.16` - `@types/passport-jwt ^4.0.1` - `@types/passport-local ^1.0.38` - `@types/ps-node ^0.1.3` - `@types/pump ~1.1.3` - `@types/ramda ^0.29.10` - `@types/request-ip ^0.0.41` - `@types/signale ~1.4.7` - `@types/source-map-support ~0.5.10` - `@types/split2 ~4.2.3` - `@types/supertest ^6.0.2` - `@types/through2 ^2.0.41` - `@types/tildify ~2.0.2` - `@types/useragent ^2.3.4` - `@types/zxcvbn ^4.4.4` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^6.21.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser ^6.21.0` - `eslint ^8.56.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^9.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-prettier ^5.1.3` - `fta-cli ^1.0.0` - `jest ^29.7.0` - `nestia ^5.2.2` - `nodemon ^3.0.3` - `prettier ^3.2.5` - `prisma ^5.9.1` - `prisma-dbml-generator ^0.12.0` - `rollup ^4.12.0` - `source-map-support ^0.5.21` - `stepci ^2.7.2` - `supertest ^6.3.4` - `testcontainers ^10.7.1` - `ts-jest ^29.1.2` - `ts-loader ^9.5.1` - `ts-node ^10.9.2` - `ts-patch ^3.1.2` - `tsc-progress ^1.0.4` - `tsconfig-paths ^4.2.0` - `tsx ^4.7.1` - `typescript 5.3.2` - `typescript-transform-paths ^3.4.6` - `typesync ^0.12.1` - `zxcvbn ^4.4.2`
experiments/20240218-node-bundlers/package.json - `express 5.0.0-beta.1` - `get-port-please ^3.1.2` - `pg ^8.11.3` - `snappy ^7.2.2` - `@rollup/plugin-auto-install ^3.0.5` - `@rollup/plugin-beep ^1.0.3` - `@rollup/plugin-commonjs ^25.0.7` - `@rollup/plugin-json ^6.1.0` - `@rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^15.2.3` - `@rollup/plugin-typescript ^11.1.6` - `@rollup/plugin-wasm ^6.2.2` - `@types/express ^4.17.21` - `@types/node ^20.11.17` - `@types/pg ^8.11.0` - `@vercel/ncc ^0.38.1` - `napi-rs ^0.3.10` - `node-gyp ^10.0.1` - `node-gyp-build ^4.8.0` - `prebuildify ^6.0.0` - `rollup-plugin-flat-dts ^2.5.0` - `rollup-plugin-jscc ^2.0.0` - `rollup-plugin-natives ^0.7.8` - `rollup-plugin-node-globals ^1.4.0` - `rollup-plugin-node-polyfills ^0.2.1` - `rollup-plugin-swc3 ^0.11.0` - `rollup-plugin-terser ^7.0.2` - `tsc-progress ^1.0.4` - `typescript 5.4.0-beta` - `typescript-transform-paths ^3.4.6` - `@napi-rs/snappy-android-arm-eabi 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-android-arm64 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-darwin-arm64 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-darwin-x64 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-freebsd-x64 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm-gnueabihf 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm64-gnu 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm64-musl 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-x64-gnu 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-x64-musl 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-arm64-msvc 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-ia32-msvc 7.2.2` - `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-x64-msvc 7.2.2`
package.json - `@compodoc/compodoc ^1.1.23` - `@nestjs/cli ^10.3.2` - `@oxidation-compiler/napi ^0.2.0` - `@swc-node/register ^1.8.0` - `@swc/cli ^0.3.9` - `@swc/core 1.4.0` - `@swc/helpers ^0.5.6` - `@swc/jest ^0.2.36` - `@swc/wasm 1.4.0` - `@trunkio/launcher ^1.3.0` - `@types/bytes ^3.1.4` - `@types/detect-port ^1.3.5` - `@types/figlet ^1.5.8` - `@types/ms ^0.7.34` - `@types/node ^20.11.17` - `@types/signale ^1.4.7` - `@types/uuid ^9.0.8` - `bun-types 1.0.26` - `ezno ^0.0.19` - `fta-cli ^1.0.0` - `oxidation-compiler ^0.2.3` - `oxlint ^0.2.8` - `prisma ^5.9.1` - `regenerator-runtime ^0.14.1` - `ts-node ^10.9.2` - `tsconfig-paths ^4.2.0` - `turbo ^1.12.3` - `typescript 5.3.3` - `typescript ^5.2.2` - `pnpm 8.10.5`
packages/workflow-engine/package.json - `@clack/core ^0.3.4` - `@clack/prompts ^0.7.0` - `conf ^12.0.0` - `deep-diff ^1.0.2` - `imurmurhash ^0.1.4` - `murmurhash-wasm ^1.3.0` - `picocolors ^1.0.0` - `voici.js ^2.1.0` - `@types/deep-diff ^1.0.5`
infrastructure/ - `airbyte 0.4.1` - `aws ~> 5.7.0` - `cloudflare ~> 4.0` - `cloudinit ~> 2.3.2` - `configcat 4.0.0` - `fastly >= 5.6.0` - `github ~> 5.0` - `hcp 0.83.0` - `neon 0.1.5` - `random 3.4.3` - `scaleway 2.12.0` - `storj 0.0.1` - `tls ~> 4.0.4` - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.0`

linear[bot] commented 2 months ago
PLY-20 Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard]( docs to learn more. > \[!WARNING\] > These dependencies are deprecated: | Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? | | -- | -- | -- | | bun | `rollup-plugin-terser` | [Unavailable]( | | npm | `@types/tildify` | [Unavailable]( | | npm | `rollup-plugin-terser` | [Available]( | ## Pending Approval These branches will be created by Renovate only once you click their checkbox below. - [ ] chore(deps): replace dependency rollup-plugin-terser with @rollup/plugin-terser ^0.1.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @compodoc/compodoc to v1.1.25 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @formatjs/ts-transformer to v3.13.14 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/plugin-commonjs to v25.0.8 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @trunkio/launcher to v1.3.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.12 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency ezno to ^0.0.21 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency node-gyp-build to v4.8.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency prebuildify to v6.0.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency rollup-plugin-swc3 to v0.11.2 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency ts-loader to v9.5.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency ts-node to v10.9.2 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency typescript-transform-paths to v3.4.7 - [ ] chore(deps): update module []( to v1.17.9 - [ ] chore(deps): update module []( to v0.0.16 - [ ] chore(deps): update module []( to v0.4.7 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform cloudinit to v2.3.4 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform neon to v0.1.6 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @nestjs/serve-static to v4.0.2 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @openfeature/core to ^0.0.28 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency immutable to v5.0.0-rc.1 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency picocolors to v1.0.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @nestjs/cli to v10.4.2 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.14.13 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency bun-types to v1.1.21 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.57.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v9.1.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v5.2.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency node-gyp to v10.2.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency nodemon to v3.1.4 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency oxlint to ^0.6.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.3.3 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency rollup-plugin-flat-dts to v2.7.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to v29.2.4 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency ts-patch to v3.2.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency tsx to v4.16.5 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency turbo to v1.13.4 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.5.4 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency typesync to ^0.13.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github action to v1.3.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update jaegertracing/all-in-one docker tag to v1.59 - [ ] chore(deps): update module []( to v1.1.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update module []( to v1.6.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update module []( to v1.55.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update module []( to v0.22.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update pnpm to v8.15.9 - [ ] chore(deps): update scribemd/docker-cache action to v0.5.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update swc monorepo (`@swc-node/register`, `@swc/cli`, `@swc/core`, `@swc/helpers`, `@swc/wasm`) - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform airbyte to v0.6.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform aws to \~> 5.60.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform cloudflare to v4.38.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform configcat to v4.1.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform fastly to v5.11.0 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform hcp to v0.94.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform random to v3.6.2 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform scaleway to v2.42.1 - [ ] chore(deps): update traefik docker tag to v2.11 - [ ] chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.21.0 (`@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin`, `@typescript-eslint/parser`) - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @automapper/classes to v8.8.1 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @automapper/core to v8.8.1 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @automapper/nestjs to v8.8.1 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @faker-js/faker to v8.4.1 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @nestia/e2e to ^0.7.0 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v7.4.0 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node to ^0.49.0 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @scalar/nestjs-api-reference to ^0.3.0 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency argon2 to ^0.40.0 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency dotenv to v16.4.5 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency neverthrow to v6.2.2 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency passport to v0.7.0 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency pg to v8.12.0 (`pg`, `@types/pg`) - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency ramda to ^0.30.0 (`ramda`, `@types/ramda`) - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency reflect-metadata to v0.2.2 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency swagger-themes to v1.4.3 - [ ] fix(deps): update nest monorepo (`@nestjs/common`, `@nestjs/core`, `@nestjs/passport`, `@nestjs/platform-express`, `@nestjs/schematics`, `@nestjs/terminus`, `@nestjs/testing`) - [ ] fix(deps): update opentelemetry-js monorepo (`@opentelemetry/api`, `@opentelemetry/api-events`, `@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc`, `@opentelemetry/instrumentation`, `@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics`, `@opentelemetry/sdk-node`) - [ ] fix(deps): update prisma monorepo to v5.17.0 (`@prisma/client`, `@prisma/fetch-engine`, `prisma`) - [ ] chore(deps): update actions/cache action to v4 - [ ] chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v4 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @nestia/sdk to v3 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/plugin-commonjs to v26 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/eslint to v9 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v22 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/passport-jwt to v4 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/uuid to v10 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v9 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency fta-cli to v2 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency supertest to v6.3.4 (`supertest`, `@types/supertest`) - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency supertest to v7 - [ ] chore(deps): update dependency turbo to v2 - [ ] chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action action to v6 - [ ] chore(deps): update docker/login-action action to v3 - [ ] chore(deps): update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3 - [ ] chore(deps): update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3 - [ ] chore(deps): update node.js to v20 - [ ] chore(deps): update pnpm to v9 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform configcat to v5 - [ ] chore(deps): update terraform github to v6 - [ ] chore(deps): update traefik docker tag to v3 - [ ] chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8 (major) (`@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin`, `@typescript-eslint/parser`) - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @nestia/core to v3 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @openfeature/core to v1 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @typescript-virtual-barrel/compiler-plugin to v1 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @typescript-virtual-barrel/language-service-plugin to v1 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency conf to v13 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency execa to v9 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency nestjs-cls to v4 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency neverthrow to v7 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency pino to v9 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency stripe to v16 - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency typia to v6 - [ ] fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v8 (major) (`@sentry/node`, `@sentry/opentelemetry`, `@sentry/profiling-node`, `@sentry/types`, `@sentry/utils`) - [ ] ๐Ÿ” **Create all pending approval PRs at once** ๐Ÿ” ## Open These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any. - [ ] [fix(deps): update dependency express to v5.0.0-beta.3 \[security\]](../pull/414) - [ ] [fix(deps): update module to v2.52.5 \[security\]](../pull/415) ## Detected dependencies bun experiments/20240218-node-bundlers/package.json * `express 5.0.0-beta.1` * `get-port-please ^3.1.2` * `pg ^8.11.3` * `snappy ^7.2.2` * `@rollup/plugin-auto-install ^3.0.5` * `@rollup/plugin-beep ^1.0.3` * `@rollup/plugin-commonjs ^25.0.7` * `@rollup/plugin-json ^6.1.0` * `@rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^15.2.3` * `@rollup/plugin-typescript ^11.1.6` * `@rollup/plugin-wasm ^6.2.2` * `@types/express ^4.17.21` * `@types/node ^20.11.17` * `@types/pg ^8.11.0` * `@vercel/ncc ^0.38.1` * `napi-rs ^0.3.10` * `node-gyp ^10.0.1` * `node-gyp-build ^4.8.0` * `prebuildify ^6.0.0` * `rollup-plugin-flat-dts ^2.5.0` * `rollup-plugin-jscc ^2.0.0` * `rollup-plugin-natives ^0.7.8` * `rollup-plugin-node-globals ^1.4.0` * `rollup-plugin-node-polyfills ^0.2.1` * `rollup-plugin-swc3 ^0.11.0` * `rollup-plugin-terser ^7.0.2` * `tsc-progress ^1.0.4` * `typescript 5.4.0-beta` * `typescript-transform-paths ^3.4.6` * `@napi-rs/snappy-android-arm-eabi 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-android-arm64 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-darwin-arm64 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-darwin-x64 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-freebsd-x64 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm-gnueabihf 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm64-gnu 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-arm64-musl 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-x64-gnu 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-linux-x64-musl 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-arm64-msvc 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-ia32-msvc 7.2.2` * `@napi-rs/snappy-win32-x64-msvc 7.2.2` docker-compose compose-dev.yml * `traefik v2.3` * `jaegertracing/all-in-one 1.41` deploy/docker-compose.yml dockerfile apps/server/build/Dockerfile * `node 18` * `node 18` github-actions .github/actions/setup-docker/action.yml * `ScribeMD/docker-cache 0.3.6` * `docker/setup-qemu-action v2` * `docker/setup-buildx-action v2` * `docker/login-action v1` .github/actions/setup-node/action.yml * `pnpm/action-setup v2` * `actions/setup-node v3` * `actions/cache v3` .github/workflows/build.yml * `actions/checkout v4` * `actions/upload-artifact v4` .github/workflows/cd.yml * `actions/checkout v4` * `actions/checkout v4` * `actions/checkout v4` .github/workflows/cleanup.yml .github/workflows/code-quality.yml * `actions/checkout v4` .github/workflows/deploy.yml * `actions/checkout v4` * `actions/checkout v4` * `docker/build-push-action v5` * `koyeb-community/install-koyeb-cli v2` * `trstringer/manual-approval v1` .github/workflows/pre-build.yml * `actions/checkout v4` .github/workflows/preview.yml * `actions/checkout v4` * `hashicorp/setup-terraform v3` * `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.0.0` * `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.0.0` * `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.0.0` .github/workflows/provisioning.yml * `actions/checkout v4` * `hashicorp/setup-terraform v3` * `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` * `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` * `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` * `actions/github-script v7` * `actions/checkout v4` * `hashicorp/setup-terraform v3` * `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` * `hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github v1.2.0` .github/workflows/security-codeql.yml * `actions/checkout v4` * `github/codeql-action v3` * `github/codeql-action v3` * `github/codeql-action v3` .github/workflows/test.yml * `actions/checkout v4` gomod experiments/20240221-microhttp-golang/go.mod * `go 1.18` * ` v2.52.1` * ` v1.0.5` * ` v1.5.0` * ` v1.17.0` * ` v0.1.13` * ` v0.0.20` * ` v0.0.15` * ` v0.4.4` * ` v1.0.0` * ` v1.51.0` * ` v1.0.0` * ` v0.15.0` npm apps/server/package.json * `@apollo/server ^4.10.0` * `@as-integrations/fastify ^2.1.1` * `@automapper/classes ^8.8.1` * `@automapper/core ^8.8.1` * `@automapper/nestjs ^8.8.1` * `@dinero.js/currencies 2.0.0-alpha.14` * `@faker-js/faker ^8.4.1` * `@fastify/static ^7.0.1` * `@liaoliaots/nestjs-redis ^9.0.5` * `@nestia/core ^2.5.4` * `@nestia/e2e ^0.4.1` * `@nestjs/apollo ^12.1.0` * `@nestjs/cache-manager ^2.2.1` * `@nestjs/common ^10.3.2` * `@nestjs/core ^10.3.2` * `@nestjs/devtools-integration ^0.1.6` * `@nestjs/event-emitter ^2.0.4` * `@nestjs/graphql ^12.1.1` * `@nestjs/jwt ^10.2.0` * `@nestjs/microservices ^10.3.2` * `@nestjs/passport ^10.0.3` * `@nestjs/platform-express ^10.3.2` * `@nestjs/platform-fastify ^10.3.3` * `@nestjs/serve-static ^4.0.1` * `@nestjs/swagger ^7.3.0` * `@nestjs/terminus ^10.2.2` * `@openfeature/core ^0.0.25` * `@openfeature/server-sdk ^1.11.0` * `@opentelemetry/api ^1.7.0` * `@opentelemetry/api-events ^0.48.0` * `@opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node ^0.41.1` * `@opentelemetry/context-async-hooks ^1.21.0` * `@opentelemetry/core ^1.21.0` * `@opentelemetry/exporter-jaeger ^1.21.0` * `@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc ^0.48.0` * `@opentelemetry/instrumentation ^0.48.0` * `@opentelemetry/resources ^1.21.0` * 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* `create-nestjs-middleware-module ^0.3.1` * `dateformat ^5.0.3` * `delay ^6.0.0` * `detect-port ^1.5.1` * `dinero.js 2.0.0-alpha.14` * `dotenv ^16.4.1` * `envalid ^8.0.0` * `execa ^8.0.1` * `express 5.0.0-beta.1` * `express-session ^1.18.0` * `figlet ^1.7.0` * `filedirname ^3.4.0` * `fp-ts ^2.16.2` * `fs-jetpack ^5.1.0` * `get-port ^7.0.0` * `graphql ^16.8.1` * `helmet ^7.1.0` * `immutable 5.0.0-beta.5` * `ioredis ^5.3.2` * `is-unicode-supported ^2.0.0` * `jose ^5.2.2` * `jsonwebtoken ^9.0.2` * `lodash ^4.17.21` * `ms ^2.1.3` * `multer 1.4.5-lts.1` * `murmurhash3js ^3.0.1` * `nanoid ^5.0.5` * `nats ^2.19.0` * `nestjs-cls ^4.1.0` * `neverthrow ^6.1.0` * `node-locksmith ^1.0.8` * `openid-client ^5.6.4` * `p-wait-for ^5.0.2` * `passport ^0.7.0` * `passport-jwt ^4.0.1` * `passport-local ^1.0.0` * `pino ^8.18.0` * `pino-rotating-file-stream ^0.0.2` * `ps-node ^0.1.6` * `pump ^3.0.0` * `ramda ^0.29.1` * `reflect-metadata ^0.2.1` * `request-ip ^3.3.0` * `rxjs ^7.8.1` * `signale ^1.4.0` * `split2 ^4.2.0` * `strip-ansi ^7.1.0` * `stripe ^14.16.0` * `swagger-themes ^1.2.30` * `through2 ^4.0.2` * `tildify ^3.0.0` * `tslib ^2.6.2` * `type-fest ^4.10.2` * `typia ^5.4.8` * `untildify ^5.0.0` * `untun ^0.1.3` * `useragent ^2.3.0` * `@automapper/types ^6.3.1` * `@compodoc/compodoc ^1.1.23` * `@formatjs/ts-transformer ^3.13.12` * `@nestia/sdk ^2.5.4` * `@nestjs/cli ^10.3.2` * `@nestjs/schematics ^10.1.1` * `@nestjs/testing ^10.3.2` * `@sentry/cli ^2.28.0` * `@sentry/types ^7.100.1` * `@types/bcrypt ^5.0.2` * `@types/bytes ~3.1.4` * `@types/convict ~6.1.6` * `@types/cookie-parser ^1.4.6` * `@types/cookie-session ^2.0.48` * `@types/copyfiles ~2.4.4` * `@types/dateformat ~5.0.2` * `@types/detect-port ~1.3.5` * `@types/eslint ~8.56.2` * `@types/eslint-config-prettier ~6.11.3` * `@types/express ^4.17.21` * `@types/express-session ^1.17.10` * `@types/figlet ~1.5.8` * `@types/jest ^29.5.12` * `@types/jsonwebtoken ^9.0.5` * `@types/lodash ^4.14.202` * `@types/ms ^0.7.34` * 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^9.5.1` * `ts-node ^10.9.2` * `ts-patch ^3.1.2` * `tsc-progress ^1.0.4` * `tsconfig-paths ^4.2.0` * `tsx ^4.7.1` * `typescript 5.3.2` * `typescript-transform-paths ^3.4.6` * `typesync ^0.12.1` * `zxcvbn ^4.4.2` experiments/20240218-node-bundlers/package.json * `express 5.0.0-beta.1` * `get-port-please ^3.1.2` * `pg ^8.11.3` * `snappy ^7.2.2` * `@rollup/plugin-auto-install ^3.0.5` * `@rollup/plugin-beep ^1.0.3` * `@rollup/plugin-commonjs ^25.0.7` * `@rollup/plugin-json ^6.1.0` * `@rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^15.2.3` * `@rollup/plugin-typescript ^11.1.6` * `@rollup/plugin-wasm ^6.2.2` * `@types/express ^4.17.21` * `@types/node ^20.11.17` * `@types/pg ^8.11.0` * `@vercel/ncc ^0.38.1` * `napi-rs ^0.3.10` * `node-gyp ^10.0.1` * `node-gyp-build ^4.8.0` * `prebuildify ^6.0.0` * `rollup-plugin-flat-dts ^2.5.0` * `rollup-plugin-jscc ^2.0.0` * `rollup-plugin-natives ^0.7.8` * `rollup-plugin-node-globals ^1.4.0` * `rollup-plugin-node-polyfills ^0.2.1` * `rollup-plugin-swc3 ^0.11.0` * 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`hashicorp/terraform >= 1.0` infrastructure/preview/ infrastructure/ infrastructure/ infrastructure/ infrastructure/ infrastructure/ infrastructure/ --- - [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository