keiohta / tf2rl

TensorFlow2 Reinforcement Learning
MIT License
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how can I use pretrained model after training #124

Closed l976308589 closed 3 years ago

l976308589 commented 3 years ago

Dear Author: I have trained the model, but do not know how to use the trained model in my game. May I have same example? thanks again!

keiohta commented 3 years ago

Hi @l976308589 ! Thanks for using tf2rl. I updated example scripts under examples so that users can easily load trained models and evaluate them. Specifically, I added the following four lines that periodically searches and loads if a new trained model is created. You can use the same codes for your own usage.

    if args.evaluate:

Please update the repo and refer the following example that loads a trained model and visualizes its rollouts:

# Save model
$ python examples/ --env-name HalfCheetah-v2 --max-steps 100000 --save-model-interval 100000

# Check if models are saved
$ ls results/20210313T105002.363354_SAC_/
20210313T105002.472563.log  ckpt-1.index                                           git-head.txt
args.txt                    command.txt                                            git-log.txt
checkpoint                  environ.txt                                            git-status.txt  events.out.tfevents.1615600202.elnuc7-33.30895.553.v2  git-diff.txt

# Load model and evaluate it
$ python examples/ --env-name HalfCheetah-v2 --evaluate --model-dir results/20210313T105002.363354_SAC_/ --show-test-progress

Attaching a movie that shows the rollouts using the latest model.

l976308589 commented 3 years ago

thanks,got it