keirf / disk-utilities

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disk-analyse issue converting from Kryoflux raw stream or .hfe to some formats #160

Closed hharte closed 1 year ago

hharte commented 1 year ago

I captured disk images into raw Kryoflux stream format using GreaseWeazle, and am able to convert them to .imd using disk-analyse:

$ disk-analyse --end-cyl=76 --rpm 360 ibm8- ibm8.imd
T0.0: IBM-FM DD (26 128-byte sectors, 3328 bytes)
T0.1-76.1: IBM-MFM HD (8 1024-byte sectors, 8192 bytes)

When trying to convert the same stream files to other file formats (.dsk, .hfe, .img, .ipf, scp) some of the track contents are not identified properly:

$ disk-analyse --end-cyl=76 --rpm 360 ibm8- ibm8.hfe
*** T1.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.7%)
*** T3.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (98.3%)
*** T4.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (94.4%)
*** T5.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (97.1%)
*** T5.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (97.9%)
*** T9.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (95.4%)
*** T10.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (97.9%)
*** T11.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (95.5%)
*** T14.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.3%)
*** T15.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.5%)
*** T18.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.1%)
*** T18.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.6%)
*** T19.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.3%)
*** T19.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.6%)
*** T20.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.5%)
*** T21.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.1%)
*** T23.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.1%)
*** T24.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (92.8%)
*** T26.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.7%)
*** T27.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.1%)
*** T28.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.3%)
*** T29.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.7%)
*** T29.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.7%)
*** T32.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.3%)
*** T34.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.1%)
*** T34.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.7%)
*** T35.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.5%)
*** T36.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.5%)
*** T37.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.1%)
*** T40.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.3%)
*** T60.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.3%)
*** T66.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.6%)
*** T69.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (91.9%)
*** T72.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.3%)
*** T73.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (94.4%)
*** T74.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (93.5%)
*** T75.0: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (96.7%)
*** T75.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (94.0%)
*** T76.1: Almost certainly unformatted/empty (94.8%)
T0.0-0.1: Unformatted*
T1.0-1.1: Unformatted
T2.0: Unformatted*
T2.1-3.1: Unformatted
T4.0: Unformatted*
T4.1-5.1: Unformatted
T6.0: Unformatted*
T6.1: Unformatted
T7.0: Unformatted*
T7.1-11.1: Unformatted
T12.0-12.1: Unformatted*
T13.0-14.0: Unformatted
T14.1: Unformatted*
T15.0: Unformatted
T15.1-16.1: Unformatted*
T17.0: Unformatted
T17.1: Unformatted*
T18.0-21.0: Unformatted
T21.1-22.1: Unformatted*
T23.0-23.1: Unformatted
T24.0: Unformatted*
T24.1: Unformatted
T25.0-25.1: Unformatted*
T26.0-28.0: Unformatted
T28.1: Unformatted*
T29.0-29.1: Unformatted
T30.0-31.1: Unformatted*
T32.0: Unformatted
T32.1: Unformatted*
T33.0: Unformatted
T33.1: Unformatted*
T34.0-35.1: Unformatted
T36.0: Unformatted*
T36.1-37.1: Unformatted
T38.0-39.1: Unformatted*
T40.0-40.1: Unformatted
T41.0-59.1: Unformatted*
T60.0: Unformatted
T60.1-65.1: Unformatted*
T66.0: Unformatted
T66.1-68.1: Unformatted*
T69.0: Unformatted
T69.1-70.1: Unformatted*
T71.0: Unformatted
T71.1: Unformatted*
T72.0: Unformatted
T72.1: Unformatted*
T73.0-73.1: Unformatted
T74.0: Unformatted*
T74.1-75.1: Unformatted
T76.0: Unformatted*
T76.1: Unformatted
** WARNING: 92 tracks are damaged or unidentified!

I am able to convert the .imd file generated from the Kryoflux raw stream files to these formats.

I see similar behavior using .hfe as the input format, and trying to generate the other impacted formats above.

The Kryoflux raw stream files are available if needed for debugging.

Thanks for taking a look, Howard

keirf commented 1 year ago

Generally when using disk-utilities it's best to explicitly specify a format on the command line. The default choice is pretty dubious and leads to surprises as you have observed.

Short answer is: Add --format=ibm to your command line.