keirf / greaseweazle

Tools for accessing a floppy drive at the raw flux level
The Unlicense
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can't write disk #365

Closed Telev78 closed 1 year ago

Telev78 commented 1 year ago


I recently got a Panasonic JU-455-5 5.25" 360 KB disk drive. In my 386 with this drive, I can read (disk created on another drive) and write well. I am testing now with GW F1 "bluepill", I am able to read the disk, but I cannot write to any disk... I tested with 3 different cables (2 homemade & 1 commercial), with the same result. Could there be an incompatibility?


keirf commented 1 year ago

The F1 device is known good, tested with another drive?

Telev78 commented 1 year ago

yes tested good with another 3.5 drive and 5.25 360k drive. tested with 2 different F1

Telev78 commented 1 year ago

tested now with gw V4 and the disk work fine. so this drive don't work with the F1

keirf commented 1 year ago

Ohhh it's probably because the drive has strong pull-ups and the signal lines can't be driven hard enough by the F1 microcontroller. The V4 board has separate driver chips.