Closed keith-packard closed 2 years ago
Maybe include the debian/
directory in the repo so that I could try a test build + install?
You don't need to create a debian package, and it doesn't really help. Just do 'ninja install' and then run 'xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate' to get your menus reloaded.
Never mind, I was just screwing up.
Really blows out the Games menu. Maybe a submenu, at least for the solitaires?
Really blows out the Games menu. Maybe a submenu, at least for the solitaires?
That's entirely up to the desktop environment; I've set all of the categories that are defined by the .desktop file specification...
Looks like there's a way to specify submenus in XDG, but it's convoluted enough to do what I want that I'm not going to think about it anymore.
Rename directories to match application names. Create xreversi and kdominos icons Install icons to share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps Add .desktop files, install to share/applications