keith-packard / snek

Snek programming language for tiny systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
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inconsistency questions #75

Closed incanus closed 1 year ago

incanus commented 1 year ago

By no means do I mean this in a critical way; I'm more curious a) if these are expected and b) if you have seen practical confusion or questions around these in your educational uses.

I notice an "identity issue" with both floats and booleans. This is on a Mac, but I've seen it when compiled in a custom ARM embedded environment as well.

> 5.3
> 1.2
> True
> False
> 3==3
> False==False

That is, while practically correct (1 and 0 are still truthy and falsy), my expectation would be that a REPL would reflect the values entered, not equivalents. And I'm not sure what to think about the floats or how this might manifest.

And the last bit is more of a nitpick related to full Python parity. I notice that input() can take a variable number of arguments.

snek_builtin_input(uint8_t nposition, uint8_t nnamed, snek_poly_t *args)
    while (nposition--) {
        snek_poly_t arg = *args++;
        snek_poly_print(stdout, arg, 's');

But normal Python only accepts one argument.

keith-packard commented 1 year ago

> 5.3
> 1.2

Yeah, welcome to floating point? The question was whether snek should print enough digits to exactly represent all floating point values or few enough to trim off these extra digits. I decided to show all of the digits so that you could re-enter values that were printed precisely. Given that there isn't any way to adjust the format used, I had to pick a constant and chose 9 digits.

True 1 False 0 3==3 1 False==False 1

For these, it's an efficiency question -- providing explicit True/False values requires a bunch of mechanism in the implementation (which takes a bunch of memory). I decided that wasn't worth it.

And the last bit is more of a nitpick related to full Python parity. I notice that input() can take a variable number of arguments.

But normal Python only accepts one argument.

Oh, I wonder why I did that. I could save some memory by changing that...

keith-packard commented 1 year ago

oh, now I know -- the prompt parameter to python's input function is optional, with a default value of ''. It was much shorter to just support a variable number of arguments than support an optional parameter. But, it would be even shorter if it only allowed zero or one parameters.