keith-turner / motion-photos

Script to extract mp4 video at end of MVIMG jpg files created by Pixel 2
Apache License 2.0
40 stars 10 forks source link

script nog working? #3

Open stefansegers opened 4 years ago

stefansegers commented 4 years ago

Hi, I tried the script with terminal on my mac. In the folder I added a few motion photos that I downloaded from my Google Photo's account. After using this command: sh *.jpg The script started to search for JPG's and tries to extract but I get the following error

Not processing MVIMG_20190922_143525.jpg because the string 'ftypmp42' did not occur exactly once in file

Now I am not sure if this is the problem of the script or the download I got from Google Photo's? On there they all are motion photos

tdltdc commented 8 months ago

The motion photos you tried to process were made with a more recent version of Google Camera. I have submitted patches to make the script work again ( If the patch is merged, you should probably be able to process the motion photos.