keithamus / jwerty

⌨ Awesome handling of keyboard events
1.21k stars 109 forks source link not working in FF #38

Open pascalbayer opened 11 years ago

pascalbayer commented 11 years ago
// For each property in the jwertyCode object, compare to `event`
for (var p in jwertyCode[n]) {
    // ...except for jwertyCode.jwertyCombo...
    if (p !== 'jwertyCombo' && event[p] != jwertyCode[n][p]) returnValue = false;

I'm trying to check for key binding when clicking on an element but does return false for 'shift', 'cmd' & 'alt'. After some minutes of debugging I've found the problem: You're getting the originalEvent which is in that case [object MouseEvent] and has no property keyCode for that reason. Therefore the result is always false. I'm not sure if there is a solution for this problem in FF, but it is working fine in Chrome. Thanks for this wonderful library!