keithamus / jwerty

⌨ Awesome handling of keyboard events
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Bugs with some symbols (OSX) #43

Closed nicholasrq closed 10 years ago

nicholasrq commented 11 years ago

There is a bug with detecting some symbols such as parentheses and hyphens. For example i've got "½" instead of "-" or "9" and "0" instead of "(" and ")". But if with parentheses i can understand the logic (shift + 0 is opening bracket), then the logic of "½" is very confusing.

moccalotto commented 10 years ago

I get problems with shift+2 on OSX:

To duplicate: jwerty.key("shift+2", function() { alert("test") });

keithamus commented 10 years ago

The main problem is that the current DOM Keyboard spec is much less than perfect. Different keyboard buttons on different keyboards can sometimes have the same keycode as others.

These kinds of bugs are likely to never be fixed until all browsers get on board with DOM Level 4 keyboard spec.