keithamus / tempus

Tempus - Time for a new Date()
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Turn off JSHint white space checking. #30

Closed johnmarkos closed 9 years ago

johnmarkos commented 9 years ago

Turned off white space checking so that lint passed. Alternatively, I could fix the white space issues, but I'm not sure all of those changes would be compatible with your code style. For example, the JSHint white space check requires a space after function.

I created an alternative PR with white space checks still active, but the concatenated files pass linting. See the test results in that PR for more details.

keithamus commented 9 years ago

Hey @johnmarkos thanks a bunch for putting the effort into these PRs. There's a few things about this though that means I wont merge this:

  1. You're right, the coding style in this project doesn't conform to JSHint's whitespace rule. I've changed my coding style considerably since this though - and would prefer to adhere to whitespace more than not.
  2. I'm actually working on a ground-up rewrite for Tempus which fixes a tonne of issues, and the code is much cleaner (and passes jshint, as well as the tests)! As such, its kind of pointless putting any effort into cleaning up Tempus 1.x. Sorry that I didn't put a big notice in the readme - I'll go do that now.

With all of that said, I really don't want you to feel like your efforts are in vain, especially as it looks like you've put some effort in. I'm going to push up the preliminary workings of the 2.x branch in the next couple of weeks, and if you're game, I'd like to ping you when it's ready and maybe find a couple of cool issues for you to work on.

As an aside, are you doing 24 Pull Requests?

johnmarkos commented 9 years ago

Hi @keithamus, I am doing 24 Pull Requests -- that's where I found your project. No worries on my stuff not getting merged. I'm just getting my feet wet in public Github work, broadening my community a bit, so it's a good learning experience for me at any rate.

Looking forward to the ping when you're ready to push up the beginnings of 2.x. I'll be happy to start working on those issues!