keithamus / tempus

Tempus - Time for a new Date()
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Thinking of making a pull request? #34

Open keithamus opened 9 years ago

keithamus commented 9 years ago


Want to improve Tempus? On a 24pullrequests binge? Are you thinking of making a PR? Well, I'm going to ask you to hold off just for now.

Tempus has had a serious lack of love over the last year. Mostly because I was kind of unhappy with the project and its direction. However, I've been inspired to work on a brand new version which will be a ground-up rewrite, featuring a new, much nicer API, and some awesome new features. As such Tempus 1.x will be left here in the meantime to grow some more cobwebs.

The Plan

Like I've said to @johnmarkos over in #30, a 2.x branch will appear here in the next couple of weeks, which will feature a fairly feature complete Tempus 2.0 implementation. At this point I'll need testers, tweakers and documentation polishers to help me finish it off for release. If you've read this far, and are still interested, then I would be totally chuffed to have you on board!

If you're interested, throw a +1 or subscribe to this issue, and I'll update you all when the 2.x branch has been pushed, and I'll fill up the issue tracker with some great new tickets to tear through. I'll make sure to do this before December is over - so if you are doing 24pullrequests, then you'll have lots of exciting stuff to work on toward the end of the month here :wink:. (update: sorry, busy christmas period meant I didn't get round to pushing working at all on tempus

kenkopelson commented 9 years ago

Hi Keith :) I just installed the tempus module for node, and when I loaded the index file under "test", it ran the tests, but there were 99 failures among the 7312 passed tests. Any idea why there are so many failures? I'm sure it has always been that buggy, right? Anyhow, I desperately need a Date replacement because the built-in Date object is just not going to work for me at all. It's amazing how people thought that the only date anyone would ever want to see on the client is the local date! Well, what should companies do that have multiple locations all over the place, and they have employee clock-in data from all over? If an employee clocks in at 8:00 a.m. in New York, and another employee clocks in at 8:00 a.m. in Hong Kong, both of those times should show as 8:00 a.m. when they are viewed at the head office in Chicago. In other words, not ALL date/times should be pegged to some time zone. They do not represent a moment in local time, they represent a relative date/time from the start of the year. Anyhow, this is a huge pain point in Javascript, which I generally love otherwise. Node is brilliant. So, if you have been awesome enough to provide a replacement for Date, I really need it yesterday, and I need it to work. May I ask how far you are from having something I could use, assuming that the version I have here really is that broken?

Many thanks! Ken Kopelson

keithamus commented 9 years ago

The new version I've got needs some work, I'll be pushing it soon - but I want it to be right. In the meantime feel free to use moment.js which has a timezone plugin.