keithclark / selectivizr

selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8.
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Quick AJAX problem fix #75

Open ardy15jan opened 11 years ago

ardy15jan commented 11 years ago

Added a few lines of code to allow calling Selectivizr.init() after a page is loaded via AJAX. It calls selectivizr's init() method and reparses the CSS. I used it in my project at work, thought I'd share :)

lolmaus commented 10 years ago

Why ain't this pulled in yet?

PikachuEXE commented 10 years ago

Author could be busy, just look at the commit...

stevenvachon commented 10 years ago

Maybe the author died?

PikachuEXE commented 10 years ago

@stevenvachon You should check his activity before saying so Also his twitter is even more active

I would consider he has abandoned this if I got no response from him after Chinese New Year Try to tweet him or email him

Related: #80

stevenvachon commented 10 years ago

Ah, well that's good to hear at least. Still a bummer that he hasn't merged this and bower support, 'cuz that's really all we need added.

keithclark commented 10 years ago

This isn't a viable fix for handling modifications to the DOM.

Running selectivizr a second time in this way won't remove any CSS class names applied during the first execution. This means any elements targeted with a pseudo-class that have moved since the first call won't receive the correct style updates. It also means event handlers aren't removed which could lead to memory leaks and ultimately a browser crash if called enough times.

If this works for your individual use cases then carry on using this method but I'm not going to merge this as a fix in this state.

A better fix would be to expose something like Selectivizr.apply() and Selectivizr.remove() methods that add / remove selectivizr DOM modifications and a Selectivizr.referesh() method that calls both methods in order.

mstephens commented 10 years ago

Hello, if you're using Modernizr too, then this seems to do the trick. Admittedly another hack, but a work around at least.

In your Ajax callback, place:

yepnope([{ load: ['ie6!ie7!ie8!/js/libs/selectivizr.min.js'] }]);
witwit commented 10 years ago

Selectivizr.init() is not available anymore? I have a custom ajax loading some content into the page. Simple styling with selector ":nth-child(1)" is not applied on IE8. How do I trigger Selectivizr to re-run after I have loaded some content into the DOM?

mstephens commented 10 years ago

@witwit try the above solution with Modernizr?

PaolaFalcon commented 10 years ago

@mstephens What's yepnope??

The only workaround that has worked for me is: $.getScript( 'js/selectivizr.js', function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {}); But I don't want to do that!

lolmaus commented 10 years ago

YepNope is a tiny lib to conditionally load other libs. Modernizr bundles it but it can also be downloaded separately:

PaolaFalcon commented 10 years ago

@lolmaus Got it, but @witwit solution only works once.

By popular demand, in yepnope 1.5+ we added the feature that scripts that have already been requested not be re-executed when they are requested a second time.

But I need to refresh it again.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Combining the patch here with the following does the job for me (preventing memory leaks). Use this function to be able to remove classes from an element by regular expression

(function($) {
    $.fn.removeClassRegEx = function(regex) {
        var classes = $(this).attr('class');
        if(!classes || !regex) return false;
        var classArray = [];
        classes = classes.split(' ');
        for(var i=0, len=classes.length; i<len; i++)
            if(!classes[i].match(regex)) classArray.push(classes[i]);
        $(this).attr('class', classArray.join(' '));
        return $(this);

To keep changes to Selectivizr to a minimum I then use the following


This could all be combined of course. The key here is it removes all the slvzr-* classes from all elements and then initialises Selectivizr.

lolmaus commented 10 years ago

Thank you for your valuable contribution, @jasonmarston.

sferguson12 commented 9 years ago

Adding to the update from @jasonmarston , I've created a solution to automatically reapply Selectivizr whenever an Ajax request completes under jQuery. I put his two lines of code into a function, and registered that with the .ajaxSuccess global handler. Works beautifully.

function refreshSelectivizrCssForIE() { $("*").removeClassRegEx(/^slvzr-/); Selectivizr.init(); }

And in the <head>:

<!--[if lt IE 9]> <script>$(document).ajaxSuccess(function() { refreshSelectivizrCssForIE(); }); </script> <![endif]-->

Now any time I load Ajax-based content it is properly styled in IE8.

corysimmons commented 8 years ago

@keithclark disappeared so I'm going to try and maintain this project at

Would you please reopen/rebase your PR over there?