keithfancher / kept

Extract your data from Google Keep
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Error "... does not exist (The system cannot find the file specified.)" #1

Open cja-github opened 1 year ago

cja-github commented 1 year ago

I ran $OutputEncoding = [console]::InputEncoding = [console]::OutputEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding

And then .\kept -t C:\Users\cja\Downloads\takeout-20230305T104856Z-001\Takeout\Keep

It wrote a load of files and then errored:

kept.exe: C:\Users\cja\Downloads\takeout-20230305T104856Z-001\Takeout\Keep\16870f5d424.b8e0ea45ca8777dd.png: copyFileWithMetadata:CopyFile "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\cja\\Downloads\\takeout-20230305T104856Z-001\\Takeout\\Keep\\16870f5d424.b8e0ea45ca8777dd.png" "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\cja\\Downloads\\kept-0.3.0-win64\\kept-0.3.0\\kept-output\\media\\16870f5d424.b8e0ea45ca8777dd.png": does not exist (The system cannot find the file specified.)

Happy to send you details if you say what you need. Don't want to paste full program output here cos it contains names of my files.

keithfancher commented 1 year ago

Thank you for reporting this!

One quick thing to check: does the 16870f5d424.b8e0ea45ca8777dd.png file exist in your Keep export? (In C:\Users\cja\Downloads\takeout-20230305T104856Z-001\Takeout\Keep, that is.)

The error message looks like perhaps that file is referenced in a Keep export JSON, but the referenced file is not actually present? In either case, I should certainly handle those errors more gracefully.

One other question: were any of your other notes with media attachments successfully exported? Just wondering if this is an issue with a particular file, or some broader issue.

If it is an issue with a single note, by the way, a temporary workaround could be to move the offending JSON file out of your Keep export and run kept again. Then later, after finding the issue, you can migrate any leftovers piecemeal. (To find which note the image belongs to, you can just do a text search for that file name in your export directory. I should also include the note name in the error message!)

Sorry for the hiccup, and thanks again for taking the time to report!

keithfancher commented 1 year ago

Oh, one other thing I just noticed: that \\\\?\\ bit in the path is sure funky. One quick thing to try might be to run kept using a relative path. For example, stick kept.exe somewhere in your PATH, or just stick it in C:\Users\cja\Downloads. Then try running it like ./kept -t takeout-20230305T104856Z-001\Takeout\Keep.

Obviously still something funky going on, but curious whether it could be a path issue...