keiththomas1 / Uplift

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One rep max functionality #19

Closed erikboyle closed 10 years ago

erikboyle commented 10 years ago

1RM needs to be added to the exercise_set_log table. Function that calculates it needs to be added to BusinessTier. Appropriate functions that access the exercise_set_log should be updated to include it.

Formulat: 1RM = weight * (1 + (reps/30))

erikboyle commented 10 years ago

Don't want to touch the business or data tier until Jake is finished with the database modifications.

maximusNullus commented 10 years ago

Um, what exactly does this mean in reality?

erikboyle commented 10 years ago

1RM will be included as way of measuring difficulty of sets when the reps aren't the same. How do you compare a set of 15 x 185lbs with a set of 5 x 250lbs? 1RM is the closest way I know of comparing those. Mostly for history / stats purposes.

maximusNullus commented 10 years ago

Got it. Kind of a difficulty factor where 1RM = weight/reps or reps/weight?

erikboyle commented 10 years ago

A difficulty factor is the best way to put it, yes. Doesn't relate to the ordering of reps/weight or weight/reps. Measures the difficulty of a high weight, low rep set vs a low weight, high rep set.