keithwhor / nodal

API Services Made Easy With Node.js
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orderBy Query Parameter #320

Closed edgar971 closed 7 years ago

edgar971 commented 7 years ago


I was searching through the documentation and example tutorials and I couldn't figure out how to use sortBy with query parameters. I want to be able to make API calls like http://localhost:8080/v1/sites?__orderBy=created_at,DESC to have a custom sort. Is there a way to do this natively with Nodal? I also tried the following versions:


The controller looks like this:

            .end((err, models) => {

                this.respond(err || models);



nogsantos commented 7 years ago

By Query composer you have the .orderBy() method, something like...

    .limit(this.params.query.offset, process.env.QUERY_LIMIT)
    .orderBy("id", "DESC") // here you put your params
    .end((err, cliente) => {

Just send the values what you want in body or, like you said, in you query string.

You have another options, see

edgar971 commented 7 years ago

@nogsantos Thanks for the help.

I ended up doing the following:

Created a function to parse the orderBy query.

parseOrderBy(query) {

        let orderBy = [];

        if (!query.__orderBy && query.__orderBy.length) return false;

        orderBy = query.__orderBy.split('|');

        return orderBy;


Used the function inside my index method.

let order = this.parseOrderBy(this.params.query);

            .end((err, models) => {

                this.respond(err || models);


That worked for me.

maxism commented 7 years ago

@edgar971 you should use __order instead of __orderBy param in your HTTP request. So in your case it will be looks like http:///localhost:8080/v1/sites?__order=created_at desc.