keiyoushi / extensions-source

Source code of extensions for Tachiyomi/Mihon and variants.
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Can't load Asura scans #3584

Open Ashlyn07 opened 1 week ago

Ashlyn07 commented 1 week ago

Source information


Source language

English - EN

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Tachiyomi SY
  2. Open said source

Expected behavior

i can load list of manga in said source

Actual behavior

can't load it and it say : "SocketTimeoutException: timeout" and I can't load it in webview too

Mihon/Tachiyomi version

Tachiyomi SY 1.10.5

Android version

Android 11

Other details

Sometimes I can load it but it takes a long time, this problem has been happening for me for 5 days.

I can open it normally on Chrome but not on Mihon and Tachiyomi


Ashlyn07 commented 1 week ago

Screenshot_2024-06-15-21-39-18-98_a603e4da04bada03cae438f177815547 Screenshot_2024-06-15-21-54-59-29_551f7f0ca926862b368845ce7ee433aa

ssujsh commented 1 week ago

my asura scans has also been very buggy. I always get a timeout whenever trying to load a manhwa wondering if you also have the same problem?