Locate any comic from this source, and attempt to load the list of chapters
Expected behavior
The list of chapters should load
Actual behavior
Toast displays:
NullPointerException: null
No chapters found
Mihon/Tachiyomi version
Mihon Stable 0.16.5
Android version
Android 11
Other details
I believe their HTML layout changed. I think this will solve it, but I can't seem to build extensions (because I can't seem to install com.github.inorichi.injekt:injekt-core):
diff --git a/src/zh/comicabc/src/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/extension/zh/comicabc/Comicabc.kt b/src/zh/comicabc/src/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/extension/zh/comicabc/Comicabc.kt
index 566a81e6b..90726b0ec 100644
--- a/src/zh/comicabc/src/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/extension/zh/comicabc/Comicabc.kt
+++ b/src/zh/comicabc/src/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/extension/zh/comicabc/Comicabc.kt
@@ -17,24 +17,24 @@ class Comicabc : ParsedHttpSource() {
override val name: String = "無限動漫"
override val lang: String = "zh"
override val supportsLatest: Boolean = true
- override val baseUrl: String = "https://www.comicabc.com"
+ override val baseUrl: String = "https://www.8comic.com"
// Popular
override fun popularMangaRequest(page: Int) = GET("$baseUrl/comic/h-$page.html", headers)
override fun popularMangaNextPageSelector(): String = "div.pager a span.mdi-skip-next"
- override fun popularMangaSelector(): String = "div.default_row_width > div.col-2"
+ override fun popularMangaSelector(): String = ".container .row a.comicpic_col6[href^=/html/]"
override fun popularMangaFromElement(element: Element): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
- title = element.selectFirst("li.cat2_list_name")!!.text()
- setUrlWithoutDomain(element.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("abs:href"))
- thumbnail_url = element.selectFirst("img")!!.attr("abs:src")
+ title = element.selectFirst("li[class~=_name\\b]")!!.text()
+ setUrlWithoutDomain(element.attr("abs:href"))
+ thumbnail_url = element.selectFirst("img")?.attr("abs:src")
// Latest
override fun latestUpdatesRequest(page: Int) = GET("$baseUrl/comic/u-$page.html", headers)
override fun latestUpdatesNextPageSelector() = popularMangaNextPageSelector()
- override fun latestUpdatesSelector() = popularMangaSelector()
+ override fun latestUpdatesSelector(): String = ".container .row div.cat2_list a[href^=/html/]"
override fun latestUpdatesFromElement(element: Element) = popularMangaFromElement(element)
// Search
@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ class Comicabc : ParsedHttpSource() {
// Details
override fun mangaDetailsParse(document: Document): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
- title = document.selectFirst("div.item-top-content h3.item_name")!!.text()
- thumbnail_url = document.selectFirst("div.item-topbar img.item_cover")!!.attr("abs:src")
- author = document.selectFirst("div.item-top-content > li:nth-of-type(3)")!!.ownText()
+ title = document.selectFirst(".item_content_box .h2")!!.text()
+ thumbnail_url = document.selectFirst(".item-cover img")?.attr("abs:src")
+ author = document.selectFirst(".item_content_box .item-info-author")?.text()
artist = author
- description = document.selectFirst("div.item-top-content > li.item_info_detail")!!.text()
+ description = document.selectFirst(".item_content_box .item_info_detail")?.text()
status = when {
- document.selectFirst("div.item_comic_eps_div")!!.text().contains("連載中") -> SManga.ONGOING
- document.selectFirst("div.item_comic_eps_div")!!.text().contains("已完結") -> SManga.COMPLETED
+ document.selectFirst(".item_content_box .item-info-status")?.text()?.contains("連載中") ?: false -> SManga.ONGOING
+ document.selectFirst(".item_content_box .item-info-status")?.text()?.contains("已完結") ?: false -> SManga.COMPLETED
else -> SManga.UNKNOWN
// Chapters
- override fun chapterListSelector(): String = "div#div_li1 td > a"
+ override fun chapterListSelector(): String = "#chapters a.Ch"
override fun chapterFromElement(element: Element): SChapter = SChapter.create().apply {
val onclick = element.attr("onclick")
val comicId = onclick.substringAfter("cview('").substringBefore("-")
Feel free to use the code as-is if that's acceptable, no credit (git authorship) needed.
(They changed their domain but their old one still works, and redirects; not sure how to handle that)
[X] I have searched the existing issues and this is a new ticket, NOT a duplicate or related to another open or closed issue.
Source information
Comicabc 1.4.1
Source language
Chinese (zh)
Steps to reproduce
Locate any comic from this source, and attempt to load the list of chapters
Expected behavior
The list of chapters should load
Actual behavior
Toast displays:
Mihon/Tachiyomi version
Mihon Stable 0.16.5
Android version
Android 11
Other details
I believe their HTML layout changed. I think this will solve it, but I can't seem to build extensions (because I can't seem to install
):Feel free to use the code as-is if that's acceptable, no credit (git authorship) needed. (They changed their domain but their old one still works, and redirects; not sure how to handle that)