kekeh / angular-mydatepicker

Angular datepicker and date range picker :date:
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Change color for different ranges #103

Open geethzz opened 2 years ago

geethzz commented 2 years ago

I need to add a date range picker with previous dates disabled and the first n number of days from begin date in different color. Which means, if I select 13-12-2012 as begin date and n is 10, then from 13-12-2012 to 22-12-2021 should be in green color, but must be active. my code is <div class="input-box-container"> <input angular-mydatepicker [min]="minDateValue" style="display: none;" class="input-box" placeholder="Click to select a date" angular-mydatepicker name="mydate" (click)="dp.toggleCalendar()" [(ngModel)]="model" [options]="myDpOptions" #dp="angular-mydatepicker" (dateChanged)="onDateChanged($event)" (rangeDateSelection)="onRangeDateSelection($event)" /> </div>

component.ts `onRangeDateSelection(event: IMyRangeDateSelection): void { let { isBegin, date, jsDate } = event; let options: IAngularMyDpOptions = this.getCopyOfOptions(); if (isBegin) { this.ngxdp.writeValue({ isRange: true, singleDate: null, dateRange: { beginDate: { year: 0, month: 0, day: 0 }, endDate: { year: 0, month: 0, day: 0 } } }); this.ngxdp.setHostValue(''); let d = new Date(jsDate.getTime()); let freeSlots = parseInt(this.freeSlotRange); d.setDate(d.getDate() + parseInt(this.freeSlotRange)); options.disableDateRanges = [{ begin: { year: event.jsDate.getFullYear(), month: event.jsDate.getMonth() + 1, day: event.jsDate.getDate() }, end: { year: d.getFullYear(), month: d.getMonth() + 1, day: d.getDate() - 1 } }]; this.myDpOptions = options; } else { // end date selection - remove disableSince option options.disableSince = { year: 0, month: 0, day: 0 }; this.myDpOptions = options; let d: Date = new Date(); let month: any = d.getMonth() + 1; if (month < 10) { month = '0' + month; } }


`getCopyOfOptions(): IAngularMyDpOptions { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.myDpOptions)); }

disableUntil() { let d: Date = new Date(); d.setDate(d.getDate() - 1); let copy: IAngularMyDpOptions = this.getCopyOfOptions(); copy.disableUntil = { year: d.getFullYear(), month: d.getMonth() + 1, day: d.getDate() }; this.myDpOptions = copy; //this.disabledStyles('#fff', '#000'); }`

This will disable previous dates and also n number of days from begin date. But I don't want to disable the range dates, just need to change the background color. Also, now the previous dates and range dates are in same color, but I need to display both in different color.