kekeh / angular-mydatepicker

Angular datepicker and date range picker :date:
MIT License
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Calendar appear and disappear on first click #67

Closed AltoDev closed 3 years ago

AltoDev commented 3 years ago

Hello @kekeh, I got a problem with the input field.

I use it in profile edit form, so on init I initialize my form with my user datas, the date is correctly set in the date field but when I click on it to update the value the datepicker appear and disappear instantaneously. The datepicker appear normally after the first fail, it is pretty weird I can figure out why.

Can you help me please ?

here is my template :

            <div class="d-flex align-items-center" (click)="dp.toggleCalendar()">
              <div class="open-date-picker-btn">
                <img src="assets/img/my-profile/calendar-icon.svg" />

              <input class="form-control right-border-radius" 
              placeholder="Ajouter date de naissance"       
              [value]="model.singleDate.jsDate | date: 'dd/MM/yyyy'" 

Here is my form control init

    this.model = {
      isRange: false,
      singleDate: {
        jsDate: this.user.birthDate,

    this.profileForm = new FormGroup({
      lastName: new FormControl(this.user.lastName, [Validators.required]),
      firstName: new FormControl(this.user.firstName, [Validators.required]),
      userName: new FormControl(this.user.userName, []),
      gender: new FormControl(this.user.gender, [Validators.required]),
      birthDate: new FormControl(this.model.singleDate.jsDate, [Validators.required]),
      email: new FormControl(, [,
      password: new FormControl(undefined, []),
      website: new FormControl(, []),
      description: new FormControl(this.user.description, []),

Thank you in advance


AltoDev commented 3 years ago

Ok I found out the problem,

First I removed the [value] from the input, I had no more problem with the datepicker appears and disappeasr but the date data was neverdisplayed in the input after I init it in my form builder

After a little headache I found out out why :

In my date picker option I have

  public myDatePickerOptions: IAngularMyDpOptions = {
    dateRange: false,
    dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
    minYear: 1930,
    maxYear: 2010

And my user birth date was : 10/10/2020, so it was not in 1930-2010, but the error message was "invalid date format"

This message was a bit confusing to find the error, but all is Ok now

Sorry if I disturbed you

And thanks for this Datepicker it is very cool and useful