kekeh / angular-mydatepicker

Angular datepicker and date range picker :date:
MIT License
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monthSelector and yearSelector close Picker #89

Closed joworeiter closed 3 years ago

joworeiter commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm currently implementing the datepicker into a Angular 8.2 Application.

I got a really strange behavior: Basicly the picker works perfectly fine. Nevertheless the month/year overview gets onclick displayed, the picker closes and I can't figure out why.

I tried several different options like closeSelectorOnDateSelect: false and removing/adding different options whithout any changed behavior. Also different Browsers (FF, Chrome, Edge)

See my code blow:


export class DateComponent implements OnInit {

  @ViewChild('dp', {static: false}) myDp: AngularMyDatePickerDirective;

  public field: FieldConfig;
  public group: FormGroup;
  public config: any;
  public fieldControl: AbstractControl;
  public date;

  public locale = 'de';
  public myOptions: IAngularMyDpOptions = {
    dateRange: false,
    dateFormat: '',
    closeSelectorOnDateSelect: false

  constructor(private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {


  ngOnInit(): void {

    this.fieldControl =;

    // if value isn't a DateObject make one
    if (!(this.fieldControl.value instanceof Date) && this.fieldControl.value !== null) {
        hour: 12,
        minute: 0,
        second: 0,
        millisecond: 0

    // get Dateobject from moment and save it into a buffer = moment(this.fieldControl.value).toDate();



  private initDatepickerOptions() {

    const model: IMyDateModel = {isRange: false, singleDate: {jsDate:}, dateRange: null};



  toggleCalendar(): void {


  <div class="input-group date" [ngClass]="{ 'form__control--error': hasError() }" (click)="toggleCalendar()">
        <input angular-mydatepicker
               class="form-control Input_default Input_text"
               placeholder="{{ field.placeholder || field.label | translate }}"


Maybe I'm doing something wrong and someone can help me.

kekeh commented 3 years ago

Hi @joworeiter

Not sure but maybe somewhere in your project has other click listener which closes the datepicker.

joworeiter commented 3 years ago

Hi @kekeh, thanks for the fast response. If I move the clickhandler to the input it doesnt work either. I added a cal icon with pos. absolute and add the handler there it is working... Dont know why, but it works. Thanks for help.

See new markup blow:

    <div class="input-group" [ngClass]="{ 'form__control--error': hasError() }">
        <input angular-mydatepicker
               class="form-control Input_default Input_text"
               placeholder="{{ field.placeholder || field.label | translate }}"
               [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}"
        <div class="input-group-append" (click)="toggleCalendar()">
             <img src="assets/images/form-input-right-datepicker.svg">