kekshd / keks

an elearning system with basic answer types yes/no/matrix
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vision for a fancy review system #37

Closed beccy closed 11 years ago

beccy commented 11 years ago

b) have a "this-question-is-ok" checkmark

c) the page shows the "state" of the question and color codes it. The state is finished/under-construction, how many people like this question

d) the categories are collapsible and have a short summary (x questions not reviewed yet etc)

beccy commented 11 years ago

Wir wünschen uns ein Feature, das es ermöglicht, den Korrekturleseprozess zu crowdsourcen. Dafür planen wir langfristig mit 5+ Reviewern

Reviewer sollen folgendes mit den Fragen tun können:

Außerdem soll das System den Reviewern und uns helfen den Überblick zu behalten, indem es für die Kategorien jeweils zusammenfasst wieviele Fragen

Für den einzelnen Reviewer soll das System Fragen hervorheben, die sich seit dieser Reviewer sie kommentiert/markiert hat, geändert haben.

breunigs commented 11 years ago

Please review the review page for a single question (e.g. [1]). Apart from the gfoad rate option it is meant to go into production like this. Navigating to questions that have been reviewed, need reviews, etc. is incomplete. You can toggle your admin/reviewer status [2] in case you want to test that.

[1] [2]

breunigs commented 11 years ago

Considering this fix. It’s still a little rough around the edges, but add new tickets or reopen this one if you need anything else.