kekyo / ILRepack.FullAuto

Full automatic ILRepack executor on .NET, .NET Core and .NET Framework environments.
MIT License
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Cannot build due to $(_IlRepack_IsTargetCinfiguration) returing "" #11

Closed SkierJa closed 2 months ago

SkierJa commented 4 months ago

All I did is adding Debug;Release to the first PropertyGroup in ILRepack.FullAuto.targets. It doesn't work even after reverting the change.

"$(_ILRepack_IsTargetConfiguration)" element was expected to be evaluated as a boolean value, but instead was "". In condition "$(ILRepackBuildEnable) AND $(_ILRepack_IsTargetConfiguration)". C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\git repo\MyApp\packages\ILRepack.FullAuto.1.5.0\build\ILRepack.FullAuto.targets

SkierJa commented 4 months ago I changed Target Name as mentioned in the quote above and it seems to work but now I have a problem with HelixToolKit.WPF.SharpDX, on Run the debugger throws that it cannot find it?

kekyo commented 4 months ago


I have a problem with HelixToolKit.WPF.SharpDX

I am not sure what is going on with this issue. The former problem with $(_ILRepack_IsTargetConfiguration) not being evaluated, maybe you are manually importing only the ILRepack.FullAuto.targets script?

I have a feeling that _ILRepack_IsTargetConfiguration is used for both MSBuild custom tasks and variables, and that if the ILRepack.FullAuto.props script is not imported beforehand, the problematic situation may occur (Untested. However, I believe I made a mistake using the same symbol name and may correct it).

If I am not mistaken about the issue, I believe that these scripts will work correctly when introduced as a NuGet package, as they are automatically referenced.

kekyo commented 2 months ago

It will be closed, so if you have any problems, please reopen it.