kelektiv / node.bcrypt.js

bcrypt for NodeJs
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How to check if user did not use the password before #1021

Open frodoe7 opened 6 months ago

frodoe7 commented 6 months ago

When the user change his password he add a new password to the table before adding it, I need to ensure he did not use that password before

so, I have array of hashes and the original password

here's the function which hashify the password

export const hashify = async (password: string) => 
    const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(Number(process.env.SALT_ROUNDS));
    return await bcrypt.hash(password, salt);

here's the function which search if the password is used before or not

export const searchHashes = async (password: string, hashes: string[]) => {
  const results = await Promise.all( (hash: string) => {
      return await, hash);

  return results.some(result => result === true);

That solution is not working

NodeJS version : 20.10.0 Bcrypt version : 5.1.1

frodoe7 commented 5 months ago

@recrsn Do you think, I have to use another library to achieve this approach?

castilloedwin commented 5 months ago

It doesn't depend on this library

MdialloC19 commented 5 months ago

it's more a conceptual probleme isn't depend on the library. here is some tips you can use for your issue :

User Password Management Enhancement

Update User Schema

Add a field to store previous passwords in your user schema. For example, you can name this field previousPasswords and define it as an array of strings.

const userSchema = new Schema({
  // ...
  password: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
  previousPasswords: [String], // Field to store previous passwords
  // ...

Search Previous Passwords when it change

When a user attempts to change, you can check if they are using a previous password.

const isPreviousPassword = user.previousPasswords.some(async (prevPassword) => {
  return await, prevPassword);

if (isPreviousPassword) {
  // The new password is a previous password
  // Handle this accordingly (e.g., return an error)
} else {
  // The new password is valid
  // Continue with the normal authentication process

Update Password Update Logic

When a user changes their password, instead of just hashing the new password, you can also add the old password to the previousPasswords array.

const newPassword = "newPassword"; // Get the new password from the user

// Hashify and update the current password
user.password = await hashify(newPassword);

// Add the old password to the list of previous passwords

// Save the changes to the database

With this approach, you no longer need to simultaneously search through all stored hashes, as you have the previous passwords directly associated with the user.

Note: Replace hashify and searchPreviousPasswords with your actual functions for hashing and searching previous passwords in your application.