Closed thanpolas closed 9 years ago
A note on the readme would be good.
After a day of having this issue sip in, i believe an error should be thrown to prevent security issues with unforeseen consequences. Remember, password hashing is not the only usage for hashing algorithms and the natural stance is that a hash algo will happily hash any size of bytes.
In my particular case where bcrypt was used to sign token for authentication between servers, the string to hash was a concatenation of ids and dates which was over 120 chars long. In effect, this algo was not working leaving us vulnerable to a variety of attacks.
I've wrapped bcrypt in a library that throws an error if length is 72 chars or beyond. I encourage you to protect your users too.
I think it's generally well known that Bcrypt has a hard limit, but the docs could/should definitely mention it for those who don't know. I'm not sure about throwing errors/exceptions, other implementations/libs doesn't seem to, so I'd worry it would throw people off ^^
I'd consider using something else entirely for HMAC.
I've stumbled upon a case where long strings (over 72 bytes long) would always return true in matching even if the last characters where different...
Digging deeper i discovered that indeed bcrypt has a hard limit of 72 characters beyond which it will ignore any other characters.
Would you consider adding a waning when this situation occurs to prevent security issues?
I used bcrypt to produce tokens for server to server communications, the strings used where 80 chars long, a combination of dates, ids, etc... when in a test i added
+ 'lol'
to the string to test for security, to my amazement the string passed when it shouldn't.This can go unnoticed easily.