kelektiv / node.bcrypt.js

bcrypt for NodeJs
MIT License
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hashSync doesn't return the same hash with the same input #957

Closed meel-hd closed 1 year ago

meel-hd commented 1 year ago

I have node v16.17.1 my usage: console.log(hashSync('1234', 8)) the output was: $2b$10$yRdmeNoCj9qJfervSXmOb.ctOP9tj9QBztcA122hSM3XpGdBwC5SG. when I run the script again with the same input I got this output: $2b$10$0hbMM9JRCacNqfLo5O2gCOsixnPSNzWOfg/NiMuAollQDkbJzCJUm

recrsn commented 1 year ago

It is by design, the first part of the hash, separated by a period . is the salt which is randomly generated and combined with the input and then passed to bcrypt to generate a hash. This makes sure you have different hashes for same input to prevent a class of attacks called - rainbow-table attacks where the attacker has a large value of pre-calculated hashes against well-known passwords. Using a random salt force the attacker to brute-force every password.

Incase you need to generate the same hash for identical input, pass the second argument with a random string or the value returned by genSaltSync. However, please don't do it for a system which protects passwords. IT IS HIGHLY INSECURE FOR PROTECTING PASSWORDS