kelektiv / node.bcrypt.js

bcrypt for NodeJs
MIT License
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Nuxt and Bcrypt issues. #999

Closed ethan-davies closed 8 months ago

ethan-davies commented 10 months ago

I am currently using NuxtJS and bcrypt to hash my passwords for a project that I am working on. However, when importing bcrypt into a .vue file and using a funciton it just crashes and shows this error:

500 global is not defined

at node_modules/.pnpm/buffer@4.9.2/node_modules/buffer/index.js (
at __require2 (
at node_modules/.pnpm/readable-stream@3.6.2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js (
at __require2 (
at node_modules/.pnpm/readable-stream@3.6.2/node_modules/readable-stream/readable-browser.js (
at __require2 (
at node_modules/.pnpm/are-we-there-yet@2.0.0/node_modules/are-we-there-yet/lib/tracker-stream.js (
at __require2 (
at node_modules/.pnpm/are-we-there-yet@2.0.0/node_modules/are-we-there-yet/lib/tracker-group.js (
at __require2 (


recrsn commented 8 months ago

bcrypt and native nodejs modules in general don't play well with bundling. Consult your bundler documentation to mark bcrypt as an external dependency which should not be bundled.