kelemen / netbeans-gradle-project

This project is a NetBeans plugin able to open Gradle based Java projects. The implementation is based on Geertjan Wielenga's plugin.
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Failing to find dependencies in custom repositories #352

Open TheRealJagwire opened 7 years ago

TheRealJagwire commented 7 years ago

I'm setting a repository url in the maven block of my buildscript / repositories and it seems that the plugin can't resolve compile and runtime dependencies. I can verify the URLs are correct by browsing the path in chrome.

kelemen commented 7 years ago

Can you build your project from the command line? Are you using a proxy?

TheRealJagwire commented 7 years ago

Can compile from the command line. I don't believe there is a proxy in play, though the repository is proprietary and on my company's intranet.

kelemen commented 7 years ago

If your company uses a proxy, then it is possible that NB has the proxy configured and Gradle is trying to use the proxy to access your repository. Can you try disabling the proxy in the NB settings?

TheRealJagwire commented 7 years ago

Disabled the NB proxy settings with no luck. If it helps at all, the IntelliJ gradle support seems to work--not sure what they're doing differently, but I'm a NB guy and prefer it to others. :)

kelemen commented 7 years ago

As far as dependency resolution goes, what Idea does is not much different. Probably some setup is different. The only two things what I can think of now and might be different is the proxy settings and the version of Gradle you are using. Other than that, you may try disabling "Automatic tasks" (Tools/Options/Misc/Gradle/Task Execution).