keleshev / schema

Schema validation just got Pythonic
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How to translate string to list #302

Open NiceRath opened 11 months ago

NiceRath commented 11 months ago


We have the use-case that some values should be translated to lists if only one value is supplied.


# nameservers: ['']
Schema({'nameservers': [AND(str, valid_ip)]})

# nameservers: ''
Schema({'nameservers': [AND(str, valid_ip)]})
# ERROR: "'' should be instance of 'list'"

Schema({'nameservers': Use(ensure_list)})
# WORKS, will translate to list - but without value validation..

Schema({'nameservers': And(Use(ensure_list), str, valid_ip)})
# ERROR: "[''] should be instance of 'str'"

# Referenced functions:
from ipaddress import ip_address, IPv4Address, IPv6Address

def valid_ip6(ip: str) -> bool:
        return type(ip_address(ip)) is IPv6Address

    except ValueError:
        return False

def valid_ip4(ip: str) -> bool:
        return type(ip_address(ip)) is IPv4Address

    except ValueError:
        return False

def valid_ip(ip: str) -> bool:
    return valid_ip4(ip) or valid_ip6(ip)

def ensure_list(data: (str, list)) -> list:
    if data is None:
        raise ValueError('Got none-value!')

    if not isinstance(data, list):
        data = [data]

    return data

Is there a clean way to validate the return-values that were translated by calling Use()?

As a workaround we can, of course, create a separate Use function for every different use-case. Per example: Use(list_of_ips)

mutricyl commented 5 months ago

May I suggest the following ?

sch = Schema({
    'nameservers': Or(
        And(str, valid_ip, Use(lambda x: [x])),  # manage list conversion when string is provided
        And([str], lambda x: all([valid_ip(it) for it in x]))  # check that all ip are valid in the list in case of list. Use Const( lambda ... , error='nice error message') to display a usefull error message

print(sch.validate({'nameservers': ['']}))
print(sch.validate({'nameservers': ['', '']}))
print(sch.validate({'nameservers': ''}))

Resulting in:

{'nameservers': ['']}
{'nameservers': ['', '']}
{'nameservers': ['']}

Would it fit your needs ?