kelinger / OmniStream

Deployment and management tools for an entire streaming platform that can reside on a server (local, remote, hosted, VPS) with media files stored on cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox.
MIT License
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Closed DPMUC closed 2 years ago

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

Hey guys I love your project - even got Gooby etc...

now I wanted to try a new setup and I configured everything like you mentioned in your manual...

Got everything working, Rclone, Mounting etc... setup Cloudflare... but I can't get it to work to get http://plex.mydomain etc. working... but http://traefik.mydomain is working... Everytime I get the "404 page not found" error... anything on that? what did I wrong in the configs??

Thanks so much...

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

Glad you found us 😄

So first of all, let's see if Plex is running correctly to rule out issues there. What do you get when you type omni status?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

NAME COMMAND SERVICE STATUS PORTS autoheal "/docker-entrypoint …" autoheal running (healthy)
oauth "./traefik-forward-a…" oauth running
omnimount "bash -c /root/start…" omnimount running (unhealthy)
plex "/init" plex created
portainer "/portainer" portainer created
traefik "/ --gl…" traefik running (healthy)>80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::80->80/tcp, :::443->443/tcp watchtower "/watchtower" watchtower running 8080/tcp

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

sorry for the syntax...

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

That's okay :) But it looks to me as if Plex isn't running yet because it seems that OmniMount didn't start properly. Can you try to restart omni (first omni down and then omni up) - what do get you get then? I mean what does omni status indicate then?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

â ¿ Network OmniNet Created 0.1s â ¿ Container traefik Healthy 11.8s â ¿ Container oauth Started 1.1s â ¿ Container autoheal Started 1.0s â ¿ Container omnimount Waiting 11.8s â ¿ Container watchtower Started 0.9s â ¿ Container portainer Created 0.1s â ¿ Container plex Created

but omnimount needs a long time to go down und up...

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

now omni status:

autoheal "/docker-entrypoint …" autoheal running (healthy)
oauth "./traefik-forward-a…" oauth running
omnimount "bash -c /root/start…" omnimount running (starting)
plex "/init" plex created
portainer "/portainer" portainer created
traefik "/ --gl…" traefik running (healthy)>80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::80->80/tcp, :::443->443/tcp watchtower "/watchtower" watchtower running 8080/tcp

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

Ok wait a few minutes for it to start properly... does it comes up as healthy then?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

omnimount "bash -c /root/start…" omnimount running (unhealthy)

no still unhealthy...

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

but the drive mount works...

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

Bummer! Ok before we'll summon @kelinger can you try one last thing for me? Bring omni down, then sudo reboot your server and omni up - does it still come up as unhealthy then?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

i am on Debian 11... just by the way...

â ¿ Network OmniNet Created 0.0s â ¿ Container traefik Healthy 11.9s â ¿ Container omnimount Waiting 11.9s â ¿ Container watchtower Started 1.0s â ¿ Container oauth Started 1.3s â ¿ Container autoheal Started 0.9s â ¿ Container plex Created 0.1s â ¿ Container portainer Created 0.1s container for service "omnimount" is unhealthy

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

Ok I'll send him a message to see if he has any ideas - heck I know he will, hehe. Stay tuned :)

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

thanks... :)

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

if I installed something like plex, portainer or any other container there is something missing in the docker-compose.... the first part (omnimount) is completely missing... if I add only omnimount I see a correct docker-compose.yaml...

but how do I get omni up with a manual "corrected" docker-compose.yaml ???

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do here. Before you mentioned you followed the instructions to get Omni running. That shouldn't involve any changes to any of the yaml files - definitely not in this stage. Can you please confirm that you have issues with a vanilla (out of the box) installation first?

I suggest you wipe your server and start from scratch. Then just get the basics running: Traefik and OmniMount. Is there any stage in the process where you get any errors?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

I did exactly this... new clean setup

there is no error if I just omni up omnimount and Traefik

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

oauth "./traefik-forward-a…" oauth running
omnimount "bash -c /root/start…" omnimount running (unhealthy)
traefik "/ --gl…" traefik running (healthy)>80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::80->80/tcp, :::443->443/tcp

but also unhealthy

DPMUC commented 2 years ago


omnimount "bash -c /root/start…" omnimount running (unhealthy)

only omnimount as container... with nothing else is unhealthy

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

but still at this stage the mounting point works... got my drive under /mnt

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

Ok :) We'll wait till kelinger comes in. I just wanted to make sure that you haven't made any changes to the setup or files just yet... it's rather hard to troubleshoot in that case :)

kelinger commented 2 years ago

Until you get OmniMount working, there's no need to try any other components. Is your rclone.conf in the ~/OmniStream/configs/omnimount directory? What are the values of the variables used for MERGEMOUNT, MEDIA, RCLONESERVICE, RCLONEMOUNT, UNSYNCED, UPLOADCACHE ?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

yes, the file is there... but nano the file only shows my credentials (client-id etc.) which I entered... the values you named aren't there...

kelinger commented 2 years ago

No, the values I named won't be in that file but the file should be your rclone.conf.

For the values of the variables, type "echo $MERGEMOUNT" etc. If they come back blank, then it looks like you didn't log out/in after installing. If they aren't blank, what are they?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

stream@Debian-1011-buster-64-minimal:~/OmniStream/configs/omnimount$ echo $MERGEMOUNT /home/stream/OmniStream/mnt/cloud stream@Debian-1011-buster-64-minimal:~/OmniStream/configs/omnimount$ echo $MEDIA /home/stream/OmniStream/mnt/cloud/Media stream@Debian-1011-buster-64-minimal:~/OmniStream/configs/omnimount$ echo $RCLONESERVICE gdrive stream@Debian-1011-buster-64-minimal:~/OmniStream/configs/omnimount$ echo $RCLONEMOUNT gdrive stream@Debian-1011-buster-64-minimal:~/OmniStream/configs/omnimount$ echo $UNSYNCED /home/stream/OmniStream/mnt/unsynced stream@Debian-1011-buster-64-minimal:~/OmniStream/configs/omnimount$ echo $UPLOADCACHE /home/stream/OmniStream/mnt/uploadcache

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

not blank...

kelinger commented 2 years ago

And the command "omni logs omnimount" ?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

omnimount | rclone v1.58.1 omnimount | - os/version: debian 11.3 (64 bit) omnimount | - os/kernel: 4.19.0-18-amd64 (x86_64) omnimount | - os/type: linux omnimount | - os/arch: amd64 omnimount | - go/version: go1.17.9 omnimount | - go/linking: static omnimount | - go/tags: none omnimount | omnimount | mergerfs version: 2.33.5 omnimount | omnimount | Starting vnstat omnimount | omnimount | Configuration: omnimount | MERGEMOUNT=cloud omnimount | RCLONESERVICE=gdrive omnimount | RCLONEMOUNT=gdrive omnimount | UNSYNCED=unsynced omnimount | UPLOADCACHE=uploadcache omnimount | MEDIA=Media omnimount | TURBOMAX=20 omnimount | Adding group omniuser' (GID 1000) ... omnimount | Done. omnimount | Adding useromniuser' ... omnimount | Adding new user omniuser' (1000) with groupomniuser' ... omnimount | Creating home directory /home/omniuser' ... omnimount | Copying files from/etc/skel' ... omnimount | Starting services omnimount | { omnimount | "jobid": 1 omnimount | } omnimount | omnimount | Startup complpete

kelinger commented 2 years ago

Are you saying that you see the mounts in ~/omnistream/mnt and can access files in them? What do you see in .../mnt/gdrive/Media ?

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

this is my /mnt cloud gdrive unsynced uploadcache

/mnt/gdrive is mounted to my "root" on Google - no gdrive/Media

But inside /mnt/gdrive/ I see my Root Folder and can browse the files...

think this is the failure? no Media folder in Google??

kelinger commented 2 years ago

Correct. Media needs to be at the root of your mount. This can be fixed by mounting just above it (defining it as such in your rclone.conf).

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

ok now its running healthy - and I try the rest of the setup... if its working now I say sorry for that one... - but Gooby worked with this setup... without changing my Rclone.conf...

sorry guys :)

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

So when you type omni status, it shows healthy now? In that case, yes, it's working as intended. Omni is not Gooby - I'll be honest and say it's BETTER 🤣 But yeah, some things have changed a little in the upgrade...

kelinger commented 2 years ago

Correct; there were some liberties taken with the paths since they are passed from the host to the container running the OmniMount process. Since the full path outside of the container is not the same as the full path inside the container, we're looking at the basename of the path (ie, the final directory you're using).

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much - it worked fine now.... - last question:

my Plex server can't be claimed - it only comes to plex web... any idea ? thx so much...

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

Sorry, that part of the tutorial (and process) is not streamlined yet, but try setup-plex and hopefully everything will speak for itself :)

DPMUC commented 2 years ago

So i just wanna thank you both - everything is up now - and very smooth and simple… i like it sooo much… And again like always the most famous „bug“ is the human beeing… I‘m Sorry for that and its a real pleasure to see your upcoming works/progresses… thanks again and have a nice day :)

TechPerplexed commented 2 years ago

That's awesome to know :) As you probably know it's a brand new project - we haven't even gone fully live yet so always nice to know things are working as they should. Thanks for the feedback!