kelinger / OmniStream

Deployment and management tools for an entire streaming platform that can reside on a server (local, remote, hosted, VPS) with media files stored on cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox.
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404 on all websites #23

Closed wickedshrapnel closed 1 year ago

wickedshrapnel commented 1 year ago

New setup, everything was working til I ran out of local space. rclone container stopped and lost access to remote disk. Got that working and now I get 404 on all websites.

I have OAuth configured and working and disabled basic auth with cred command. I have switched back to basic just to test to see if it was an OAuth thing and it gets 404 on basic as well. Checked to make sure Traefik is listening and it is listening on ports 80, 443. No complaints from Traefik in the logs the only thing it logs on omni up is

traefik | time="2022-10-16T23:53:00-05:00" level=info msg="Configuration loaded from flags." traefik | time="2022-10-16T23:55:29-05:00" level=info msg="Configuration loaded from flags."

All the containers start and are running in the background. I can see downloads going in the logs and everything working just no web access.

only thing close to a sign of an issue are these lines but those containers start and are running.

plex | Critical: libusb_init failed autoheal | 17-10-2022 04:56:08 Container /sonarr (e5d0f3dce4b8) found to be unhealthy - Restarting container now with 10s timeout

omni status NAME COMMAND SERVICE STATUS PORTS autoheal "/docker-entrypoint …" autoheal running (healthy)
heimdall "/init" heimdall running 80/tcp, 443/tcp nzbget "/init" nzbget running (healthy) 6789/tcp oauth "./traefik-forward-a…" oauth running
ombi "/init" ombi running (healthy) 3579/tcp omnimount "bash -c /root/start…" omnimount running (healthy)
plex "/init" plex running (healthy) 3005/tcp, 8324/tcp, 1900/udp, 32410/udp, 32400/tcp, 32412-32414/udp, 32469/tcp radarr "/init" radarr running (healthy) 7878/tcp sonarr "/init" sonarr running (healthy) 8989/tcp tautulli "/init" tautulli running (healthy) 8181/tcp traefik "/ --gl…" traefik running (healthy)>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp watchtower "/watchtower" watchtower running 8080/tcp

Just seeing that output there made me think maybe heimdall is stepping on traefik's toes running on 80 and 443.. removed it.. no go. still 404.

also get this when I run omni down.

jq: error (at :0): Cannot iterate over null (null) DNS deletion is disabled. No action performed.

and I noticed that cloudflare dns records weren't getting created.. probably realted to traefik not working.

I'm out of ideas.. Let me know if you have any.. Thanks!

wickedshrapnel commented 1 year ago

OK got that fixed. Here is the process I had to do. Omni down omni menu remove traefik-cf exit omni home cd configs/ mv traefik traefik.old download setup again
sudo wget -O /tmp/setup && chmod 700 /tmp/setup && /tmp/setup chmod fails on that so manually run sudo chmod 777 /tmp/setup now type /tmp/setup and go through setup again log off and back on omni menu readd traefik-cf now when I went to any website I got invalid certificate went to cloudflare control panel and changed SSL from Strict to Full websites all work now but not sure how to get the Strict SSL back. I can live with full but if anyone knows how to get back to strict let me know.

wickedshrapnel commented 1 year ago

Just a note on websites not able to use strict SSL. Today I got notification from Cloudlare that a cert belonging to Cloudflare's edge has been deployed. I didn't do anything just happened in the background. Now I can run websites on strict again.

falcomm6 commented 1 year ago

Hi @wickedshrapnel - just wanted to say THANK YOU for documenting this. Had the same thing with full disk. Life saver.

elmerfreak commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your help @wickedshrapnel

It should be on the documentation @kelinger