kelinger / OmniStream

Deployment and management tools for an entire streaming platform that can reside on a server (local, remote, hosted, VPS) with media files stored on cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox.
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Fuse 2.9.9 on Fresh Omni Install #57

Open ASchluterman opened 1 year ago

ASchluterman commented 1 year ago

Thanks for all of the time and effort put into maintaining Omni. I have been using Gooby for years and am making the migration to the new platform. I have been reviewing other open issues and believe my stagnation is due to the following:

After a fresh install of Debian and following along the install of Omni, it seems Fuse is still on 2.9.9 rather than 3.10.3. I have run Omni Update and sent Up and Down without success.

plexuser@vc8g:/root$ fusermount -V fusermount version: 2.9.9 plexuser@vc8g:/root$ docker exec -ti omnimount fusermount -V Error response from daemon: Container 458410e58f8c204ec55632f9f39a520c2a3ef02f77aaac3eb6bddd0cc7764ab6 is restarting, wait until the container is running

OmniStream functions loaded into local environment. Installed version from: 11 days ago

This leads to any other container other than traefik, omnimount, and oauth to fail loading as I have been unable to get anything established.

Appreciate your help and guidance.

ASchluterman commented 1 year ago


After running it down, logging out, then running up I am able to get the correct Fuse version output.

fusermount3 version: 3.10.3

Then go into Omni Menu and proceed to select containers to activate. After an 'omni up', none of the new containers load, and Fuse returns the following:

Error response from daemon: Container 23ffe201d337f4fdbefc933a03ffe35ee0a5c3875e113e6a2ac0a816a8764ba8 is restarting, wait until the container is running

ASchluterman commented 1 year ago

Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 9 14 28 PM

Update #2. After toggling the Plex container running via "o+" I am getting the following running 'omni up'. Seems my issue is similar to #53 in that Omnimount is unhealthy.

Tried loading other containers and received the following...

Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 9 24 45 PM

Any ideas?

bytemaster21 commented 1 year ago

I'm having sort of the same issue

I'm trying to use Google Drive with rclone

When "Plex" is disabled, omnimount runs, but when checking the status, it's showing me always as "Restarting", so when i try to get the fuse version, it's not working

When "Plex" is enabled, omnimount doesn't run and i get "Error"

Any help guys?

kelinger commented 1 year ago

What do you see with omni logs omnimount ?