kelinger / OmniStream

Deployment and management tools for an entire streaming platform that can reside on a server (local, remote, hosted, VPS) with media files stored on cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox.
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OmniMount with non polling remote (pCloud) #67

Open christeasdale opened 1 year ago

christeasdale commented 1 year ago

I have moved my media collection to pCloud on a crypt mount and I was able to mount it with OmniMount and it plays and streams as fast as Google Drive. Problem is pCloud does not support polling for changes on the cloud. So I added a "sync-end" script and ran "kill -SIGHUP $(pidof rclone)" which does destroy the entire directory cache. Problem is this causes Plex to lose the state of all files and it then Plex wants to analyze and refresh metadata on all files. Not really a good solution.

So now I want to try running "rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true" in "sync-end". I think I saw that rclone rc is active with OmniMount? But when I attempt to run "rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true" for CL it returns:

"Failed to rc: connection failed: Post "http://localhost:5572/vfs/refresh": dial tcp [::1]:5572: connect: connection refused"

So is there a username and password for rclone rc?

I am of course always open to other ideas? I am sort of pressed for time I bought a lifetime 10tb plan from pCloud and if there is no way to make it work correctly with rclone/Plex I will ask them for a refund.

thanks as always.

kelinger commented 9 months ago

@christeasdale - I realize that this is a really late response, but I just released an update to OmniStream and OmniMount that addresses the polling issue. Adding "DIRCACHE=10s" to the ~/OmniStream/configs/omnimount/vfs.conf file (if the file doesn't exist, create it with just that one line). Then restart everything.

christeasdale commented 9 months ago

Thanks so much for making this change. I had been using an alternative rclone mount outside OmniMount with decent success but it was messy.

So I got everything back up using OmniMount and pCloud with my crypt mount. Problem is I am now getting the entire directory cache be removed with "DIRCACHE=10s" This causes Plex to lose the state of all files and it then Plex wants to analyze and refresh metadata on all files just by selecting them. Not really a good solution.

On my temp mount outside Ominmount I had found that using "rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true" also worked and didn't cause this problem in Plex with the constant metadata refreshes. Some of the gurus over on rClone forum suggested it.

rclone Forum

Is this something we could try in a test version of OmniMount?

thanks as always for the work.